Monday, March 6, 2023 Sunny Windy Warm 76 degrees 4:50 p.m Beautiful

A great Monday after w lovely weekend. The weather has been dry and so nice. We have enjoyed it a lot. This is to last through Wednesday noon-sh, then the chance of rain returns along with a cold front. It is March so one can’t have to much nice weather when the lion is roaring.

We had a nice but busy weekend. A trip to Cosco is always time consuming. We got the things we needed and looked at some of the other things. Dottie was with us and she looked at sheds. They had two nice ones. Since the yard and car port are still in the preparing or installing stages it isn’t the time for a storage unit. Maybe in a month or so. The carport has to go up before the shed.

We three also visited Ingels grocery store which is so nice and interesting. I love wondering through there. We toured the area as we, of course, got lost. We had lunch at Hardy’s and it was good. Everyone wanted a hamburger and they have good ones. I can’t think where else we went.

Sunday was quiet. We did go to Kroger’s as we needed a few things that we forgot on Saturday. Also we went to Home Depot to get three signs that say, “NO POOPING ZONE’. There is a person, who we have yet to catch, who picks up her dogs poop in a blue bag, then sets it down by our mailboxes. So we hope this will stop her. The next step will be a sign that says ‘YOU ARE ON CANDID CAMERA”. It is so rude to just put your poop bags in front of the mail boxes. It isn’t anyone that lives in our area of the “village”. So rude.

Quote of the day: “To reach out to others we can start by sharing a smile, and encouraging word, an opportunity to laugh.” My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a sunny, cheerful, mirthful and fun day.
