Thursday, March 9, 2023 Cloudy Cool Rain expected 60 Degrees 5:07 p.m.
Yesterday i was in Knoxville all day. We didn’t get home until about 6:00 p.m.. That was dinner time so fixed and ate, cleaned up the kitchen, watched the end of the news, watched ;THE VOICE” and went to bed. Today has been doing all the things I meant to do yesterday. I washed all the throws and cleaned the den more then just pick up and put away, Did the veggies so they are ready for salad, etc. fixed dinner.
this is going to be short and sweet as dinner is about done and Tina just got home. Sierra thinks it is dinner time ME-NOW! Such a bossy cat. I will do better tomorrow.
Quote of the day: ” Overheard: When I married my Mr. Right, I didn’t know his first name was ALWAYS: My Calendar
Have a terrific rest of your Thursday.. Make it a thrifty, thrilling, cheerful, kind and fun day.