Wednesday, March 15, 2023 Sunny Clear Cold Windy 52 Degrees 4:03 p.m.
A beautiful day after a very cold start. We got up to a 23 degree frosty morning. The word that describes it is BRRR! The furnace came on all morning. I didn’t open the blinds until the sun came up at around 8:30. Here, unlike Nevada, the sun doesn’t rise up so early. I think it is because of all the mountains and trees. But when it does rise, it sure is beautiful.
The birds have enjoyed the sunshine and dry weather all day. They have managed to empty the bird feeders and gathered all the seeds that have fallen on the ground. The Red headed Woodpecker was here a few minutes ago, eating the leftovers in one of the bird feeders. The finches are also checking to make sure there is nothing left in either bird feeder. Tina will be home in about an hour, so she can fill them and make all the birds happy. I don’t see the robins eating from the bird feeders. They stay on the grass and seem to find plenty of food there as they are here every day now, looking fat and healthy. I saw the squirrel a couple of day ago so know that he is back and waiting to check out the bird feeders. I guess the cowbirds are mean as they chase everything else away.
Other then normal household chores, there is nothing exciting going on around here. Allergies are starting up from the trees and mold, so lots of people are experiencing scratchy throats, sneezing, and all the rest that go with the allergies. I hope that we don’t get attacked with any of them. Tina is more apt to attract the allergies as where she works is surrounded by grass, trees, flowers, etc. It is beautiful but not in this season. There are tons of different kinds of treas on that property and a lot of them are starting to bloom. Achoo.
Quote of the day: “Good News: I’ve finally discovered the Fountain of Youth. Bad News: At my age, I’ve forgotten what I wanted to do with it.” Martin Ragaway
Have a great rest of your Hump Day! Make it a enjoyable, productive, energetic, positive and fun day.