Monday, March 20, 2023 !st Day Of Spring Cold Breezy Clear Sunny 46 Degrees 2:50 p.m.
We had a cold, blistery weekend, Yesterday the high got all the way up to 38 Degrees. The wind blew so as to make sure that the cold reached everyone. One thought we were at the North pole keeping company with the polar bears. Even Sierra crawled under the throw on the couch to stay warm. The sun shining in the windows didn’t seem to help her with the heat much.
Despite the cold, and Saturday wasn’t as cold as Sunday, Tina and I took our time and did the errands we need to do mixes with the stopping and looking that we wanted to do. That was fun. The first stop was at Karns to drop off some stuff we no longer needed. Then we stopped at Willows’ Nursery to check on different shrubs and plants, and to enquirer about a landscaper. We are to call this person today as he wasn’t there on Saturday.
Next we went to Ace Hardware and dropped off a screen to be rebuilt or re-screened. We will take the next three in on Saturday. $5.00 0r $10.00 per screen depending on condition and what type of screen. We want the kind that we can see out but no one can see in during the day. We pull the blinds at night. We want to see the birds during the day.
Next we drove through Burger King and picked up hamburgers, then off to Dottie’s. After devouring the hamburgers and fries, we all headed to COSCO. All except Max who had to stay home in his kennel. He was not a happy camper as staying home is not what he wants when Dottie leaves. He feels that he should be included in what ever adventure she is having.
At COSCO we shopped, looked at different things and enjoyed looking at all the stuff they had to offer. Dottie was mostly interested the displays of their storage sheds and the small gas BBQ grill that they had. Both are nice and seem well made. I am not sure how secure the storage she would be wind wise. I believe it would depend on how well it could be anchored. The gas grill would work very well I do believe. That gives me an”Hmm!” The object of the trip to COSCO was toilet paper, paper towels and Kleenex.
After leaving there with the above mentioned items and three containers of Orange Cranberry cookies, we went to Jerry and Tammy’s to watch the fights. Tammy had fixed Chili and we brought Frito’s. So we sat around and chatted until fight time. Her Dad and son came so it was a fun get-together. Sadly, Bryan lost the fight by a tap. His opponent was extremely good at jujitsu and Bryan hasn’t quite got that down as well yet. It was a good fight and I am sure that his next fight he will win! He has won far more then he has lost so I know that he will go a long ways in the UFC.
We took Dottie home after the fights, then came home, stopping at Baskin Robins for an ice cream,,, Cold outside and we needed Ice cream>????? We never said we were smart. Sierra was glad to see us as it was past her dinner time. So after feeding her we reclined in the recliners and watched TV.
Sunday, even though it was colder then blue blazes we still had to go to Walmart. We were totally out of butter and a couple of other things. It was a there and back home to the warm house. We just sat and/or laid around the rest of the day. Just trying to keep warm was a challenge.
Quote of the day: “Only two things are necessary to keep one’s wife happy. One is to let her think she is having her own way. The other is to let her have it.” Lyndon B Johnson
I hope you had a great weekend and that you r Monday is filled with productivity, energy, cheerfulness, laughter, and fun