Wednesday, March 23, 2923 Cloudy Dreary Cold 50 Degrees 4:45 p.m.
This has been a rainy, cloudy, damp, bone chilling day. I can’t seem to get warm, and I have talked to Dottie and she has the same problem. We are hoping that the sun comes out tomorrow as we need the bright, cheery light. That will bring energy, I hope. I sure haven’t been productive today.
The birds are back at the bird feeder, enjoying their dinner. I didn’t see them while it was raining. Even the Blue Jay came out and sampled the fine dining feeder. He was looking for suet and it is all gone. We will get more Saturday when we go shopping. Thee birds eat as much as the cat does.
Dinner tonight is leftovers. Tina won’t be home for dinner so I can finish up the dabs of this and that. Sierra will enjoy her cat food. After dinner we will go into the den and turn on the TV, recline in the recliner with a cozy throw and watch what ever looks interesting. She enjoys lying on our laps and snoozing while we watch our programs. Tina is dining at Dottie’s this evening so will enjoy Max’s attention. They get along quite well. He knows that she is good for a bite or two of whatever dinner is there. He loves french fries so maybe he will be in luck. Otherwise, any meat will do as far as he is concerned. His eyes don’t work but his nose does so he will sniff out whatever is cooking, and be at the right spot for a handout.
Quote of the day: “Do all the good you can by all the means you can in all the ways you can in all the places you can at all the times you can to all the people you can as long as ever you can.” John Wesley
Have a wonderful rest of your Hump Day. Make it Interesting, educational, profitable, pleasant and fun.