Thursday, March 23, 2023 Mostly Sunny Windy Nice 76 Degrees 5:28 p.m.

A beautiful Day here in East Tennessee, at least in Oak Ridge. The house stays cool but outside it is nice, though the breeze is a bit cool. The birds are happy with the weather as we have had all species of birds feeding at the feeders. Not hummingbirds as yet, but they usually arrive in mid April. They know when the weather is warm enough for them to be comfortable.

The city of Oak Ridge is having internet problems as they have been hacked. For what ever reason no one has received their electric bill, water bill, garbage bill or sewer bill. When the neighbor called this morning she was told that the City of Oak Ridge offices’ internet had been hacked so they could not accept any payment nor could they loo up what anyone owed. Tina had called Monday and paid ours over the phone and told them that we had not received our bill. She was told that the mills were mailed out the 3rd of the month. Well, as of today no one has received their bill. Julie said that they didn’t know why no one had received the bill but that late charges would be waved because of the computers being down. They have no idea when they will be up and running again.

That is our excitement for today I guess. Other then that some man was out front looking at the roofs. I thought that he was looking at Bill’s roof as he has a leak in his bedroom. He said no, that the man he called hadn’t showed up. We are interested in who he finally gets as we want the roof over the carport looked at as it leaks a bit when it rains hard. Always something when you “own your own home”.

So, it is now time to think about dinner. Just as Sierra. She thinks it is past time. I am not sure what tonight’s menu is as of yet. But t will be good, I promise. I am thinking a can of Progresso Pot Roast soup. It is just me to cook for tonight as Tina is in Knoxville, having dinner with Dottie.

Quote of the day: “The joy of the Lord is your Strength”. Nehemiah 8:10 KJV My Calendar

have a super rest of your Thursday. Make it thrifty, thrilling, cheerful and fun.
