Thursday, March 23, 2023 Mostly Sunny Windy Nice 76 Degrees 5:28 p.m.

A beautiful Day here in East Tennessee, at least in Oak Ridge. The house stays cool but outside it is nice, though the breeze is a bit cool. The birds are happy with the weather as we have had all species of birds feeding at the feeders. Not hummingbirds as yet, but they usually arrive in mid April. They know when the weather is warm enough for them to be comfortable.

The city of Oak Ridge is having internet problems as they have been hacked. For what ever reason no one has received their electric bill, water bill, garbage bill or sewer bill. When the neighbor called this morning she was told that the City of Oak Ridge offices’ internet had been hacked so they could not accept any payment nor could they loo up what anyone owed. Tina had called Monday and paid ours over the phone and told them that we had not received our bill. She was told that the mills were mailed out the 3rd of the month. Well, as of today no one has received their bill. Julie said that they didn’t know why no one had received the bill but that late charges would be waved because of the computers being down. They have no idea when they will be up and running again.

That is our excitement for today I guess. Other then that some man was out front looking at the roofs. I thought that he was looking at Bill’s roof as he has a leak in his bedroom. He said no, that the man he called hadn’t showed up. We are interested in who he finally gets as we want the roof over the carport looked at as it leaks a bit when it rains hard. Always something when you “own your own home”.

So, it is now time to think about dinner. Just as Sierra. She thinks it is past time. I am not sure what tonight’s menu is as of yet. But t will be good, I promise. I am thinking a can of Progresso Pot Roast soup. It is just me to cook for tonight as Tina is in Knoxville, having dinner with Dottie.

Quote of the day: “The joy of the Lord is your Strength”. Nehemiah 8:10 KJV My Calendar

have a super rest of your Thursday. Make it thrifty, thrilling, cheerful and fun.



Wednesday, March 23, 2923 Cloudy Dreary Cold 50 Degrees 4:45 p.m.

This has been a rainy, cloudy, damp, bone chilling day. I can’t seem to get warm, and I have talked to Dottie and she has the same problem. We are hoping that the sun comes out tomorrow as we need the bright, cheery light. That will bring energy, I hope. I sure haven’t been productive today.

The birds are back at the bird feeder, enjoying their dinner. I didn’t see them while it was raining. Even the Blue Jay came out and sampled the fine dining feeder. He was looking for suet and it is all gone. We will get more Saturday when we go shopping. Thee birds eat as much as the cat does.

Dinner tonight is leftovers. Tina won’t be home for dinner so I can finish up the dabs of this and that. Sierra will enjoy her cat food. After dinner we will go into the den and turn on the TV, recline in the recliner with a cozy throw and watch what ever looks interesting. She enjoys lying on our laps and snoozing while we watch our programs. Tina is dining at Dottie’s this evening so will enjoy Max’s attention. They get along quite well. He knows that she is good for a bite or two of whatever dinner is there. He loves french fries so maybe he will be in luck. Otherwise, any meat will do as far as he is concerned. His eyes don’t work but his nose does so he will sniff out whatever is cooking, and be at the right spot for a handout.

Quote of the day: “Do all the good you can by all the means you can in all the ways you can in all the places you can at all the times you can to all the people you can as long as ever you can.” John Wesley

Have a wonderful rest of your Hump Day. Make it Interesting, educational, profitable, pleasant and fun.



Tuesday, March 23, 2023 Mostly Cloudy Slight Breeze Nice 60 Degrees 5:34 p.m.

A busy day catching up with all the stuff piled on my desk. One should shred as the mail comes in, or file, answer, etc. I am not that one. Now the shredder has been fed and my desk is cleared. I have sorted, filed, printed, answered emails, did my games, sent a card and now it is Blog time.

Tina finally read the John Hendrix book and found it very interesting. She is now figuring out just where exactly each small village or town was that had to move so that Y12 could be build. We drove around Sunday evening and found Hendricks Lane and she pointed out where she thinks Robertsville is at. I am not sure so will have to find a map and see. So much to discover here. A lot of history in this area as well as all of the South and Eastern part of the United States.

I will have to go out and fill up the bird houses. The hungry birds have eaten all the bird seed that Tina put in the feeders last Saturday. The feeders aren’t small so I guess the birds are really hungry. We have had a lot of cowbirds as well as titmouse, finches, downy woodpecker, robin, and such. The vast bird population around here is amazing. And all the different species is fascinating.

The weatherman said that rain is due later tonight through tomorrow morning, then clearing to return either tomorrow night and Thursday or Friday. At any rate, we shall have rain. I actually bought a pair of rain boots as I figured that I would use them. It has taken me three years to make that decision. One mustn’t rush into these things.

Time to fix dinner. We are having Taco Stew. It is so good, especially on a cool day.

Quote of the day: “Lewis and Clark were not really meant to explore the West for all those months. They simply did not want to admit especially in front of Sacajawea) that they were lost.” Sherrie Weaver

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a ambitious, exciting, cheerful and fun one.


MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2023

Monday, March 20, 2023 !st Day Of Spring Cold Breezy Clear Sunny 46 Degrees 2:50 p.m.

We had a cold, blistery weekend, Yesterday the high got all the way up to 38 Degrees. The wind blew so as to make sure that the cold reached everyone. One thought we were at the North pole keeping company with the polar bears. Even Sierra crawled under the throw on the couch to stay warm. The sun shining in the windows didn’t seem to help her with the heat much.

Despite the cold, and Saturday wasn’t as cold as Sunday, Tina and I took our time and did the errands we need to do mixes with the stopping and looking that we wanted to do. That was fun. The first stop was at Karns to drop off some stuff we no longer needed. Then we stopped at Willows’ Nursery to check on different shrubs and plants, and to enquirer about a landscaper. We are to call this person today as he wasn’t there on Saturday.

Next we went to Ace Hardware and dropped off a screen to be rebuilt or re-screened. We will take the next three in on Saturday. $5.00 0r $10.00 per screen depending on condition and what type of screen. We want the kind that we can see out but no one can see in during the day. We pull the blinds at night. We want to see the birds during the day.

Next we drove through Burger King and picked up hamburgers, then off to Dottie’s. After devouring the hamburgers and fries, we all headed to COSCO. All except Max who had to stay home in his kennel. He was not a happy camper as staying home is not what he wants when Dottie leaves. He feels that he should be included in what ever adventure she is having.

At COSCO we shopped, looked at different things and enjoyed looking at all the stuff they had to offer. Dottie was mostly interested the displays of their storage sheds and the small gas BBQ grill that they had. Both are nice and seem well made. I am not sure how secure the storage she would be wind wise. I believe it would depend on how well it could be anchored. The gas grill would work very well I do believe. That gives me an”Hmm!” The object of the trip to COSCO was toilet paper, paper towels and Kleenex.

After leaving there with the above mentioned items and three containers of Orange Cranberry cookies, we went to Jerry and Tammy’s to watch the fights. Tammy had fixed Chili and we brought Frito’s. So we sat around and chatted until fight time. Her Dad and son came so it was a fun get-together. Sadly, Bryan lost the fight by a tap. His opponent was extremely good at jujitsu and Bryan hasn’t quite got that down as well yet. It was a good fight and I am sure that his next fight he will win! He has won far more then he has lost so I know that he will go a long ways in the UFC.

We took Dottie home after the fights, then came home, stopping at Baskin Robins for an ice cream,,, Cold outside and we needed Ice cream>????? We never said we were smart. Sierra was glad to see us as it was past her dinner time. So after feeding her we reclined in the recliners and watched TV.

Sunday, even though it was colder then blue blazes we still had to go to Walmart. We were totally out of butter and a couple of other things. It was a there and back home to the warm house. We just sat and/or laid around the rest of the day. Just trying to keep warm was a challenge.

Quote of the day: “Only two things are necessary to keep one’s wife happy. One is to let her think she is having her own way. The other is to let her have it.” Lyndon B Johnson

I hope you had a great weekend and that you r Monday is filled with productivity, energy, cheerfulness, laughter, and fun
