FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2023

Friday, March 10, 2023 Sunny Breezy Clear 56 Degrees 4:31 p.m.

A beautiful day, though it started out rainy and a bit on the cold side. By noon we had beautiful sunshine and lots of happy birds dining at the feeder. this lovely weather should last until tomorrow night —–then the rains return.

Tomorrow morning Tina and I are going to a woman’s retreat.. We were invited by one of the ladies she worked with at Home Depot. There are to be four speakers and I will elaborate more on that after tomorrow’s event. I am looking forward to this event as usually these retreats are very interesting, fun and a chance to meet people from other communities. The last one I was at was in Las Vegas and Patricia Shriver was the speaker. She is very good,

Today I have been using my steam mop. I sure do like that household tool. It gets the floors clean, find all sorts of small things like pebbles that creep under furniture, and even cat toys. I vacuum once the floors are dry and get all the tine stuff the mop send out. Very nice. It is also very easy to use and not hard on my back and knees at all. That is the biggest bonus.

We had planned on going to the Ponderosa Zoo on Sunday afternoon but the weatherman said that there is 90% chance of rain, like 1 1/2 inches of rain, so we postponed that trip for a week or so. i am looking forward to seeing all the new babies but I am sure their mothers will have them tucked in our of the rain. And, it would be muddy.

Quote of the day: “How it is that you can gain two pounds by eating half a pound of fudge?” H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Have a great rest of you Friday and a safe, healthy, bountiful, and fun weekend.



Thursday, March 9, 2023 Cloudy Cool Rain expected 60 Degrees 5:07 p.m.

Yesterday i was in Knoxville all day. We didn’t get home until about 6:00 p.m.. That was dinner time so fixed and ate, cleaned up the kitchen, watched the end of the news, watched ;THE VOICE” and went to bed. Today has been doing all the things I meant to do yesterday. I washed all the throws and cleaned the den more then just pick up and put away, Did the veggies so they are ready for salad, etc. fixed dinner.

this is going to be short and sweet as dinner is about done and Tina just got home. Sierra thinks it is dinner time ME-NOW! Such a bossy cat. I will do better tomorrow.

Quote of the day: ” Overheard: When I married my Mr. Right, I didn’t know his first name was ALWAYS: My Calendar

Have a terrific rest of your Thursday.. Make it a thrifty, thrilling, cheerful, kind and fun day.



Tuesday, March 7, 2023 Sunny Clear Breezy 69 Degrees 3:46 p.m.

Another beautiful day. It is fun to be outside doing needed projects. I have worked in the carport a bit this morning.

the leaves were trying to take over again so swept them up, bagged them and put them in the trash. The leaves seem to come from nowhere and want to take up residence in the carport.

I was reading in the book, “The Profit of Oak Ridge”. Emily said that she had seen the story on the History Channel. She said that there it said his family was murdered. In the book it says that his 2 year old daughter did something that required a spanking. Shortly after that she got sick and eventually died. His wife was so distraught over the death of her little girl that she blamed him for the death and took the rest of the children and left him. A few years later she notified him that she was divorcing him. He was so devastated by his little girl dying and her taking the rest of the children that he lost interest in his farm and everything else. he would walk in the forest day and night, praying to God for forgiveness. The little girl died of consumption. He never saw his family again. More tomorrow.

Quote of the day: “People who need to get older are much luckier then people who need to get younger!” Ashleigh Brilliant

Have a wonderful rest of your day. Make it a bright, cheerful, energetic, enthusiastic and fun day.



Monday, March 6, 2023 Sunny Windy Warm 76 degrees 4:50 p.m Beautiful

A great Monday after w lovely weekend. The weather has been dry and so nice. We have enjoyed it a lot. This is to last through Wednesday noon-sh, then the chance of rain returns along with a cold front. It is March so one can’t have to much nice weather when the lion is roaring.

We had a nice but busy weekend. A trip to Cosco is always time consuming. We got the things we needed and looked at some of the other things. Dottie was with us and she looked at sheds. They had two nice ones. Since the yard and car port are still in the preparing or installing stages it isn’t the time for a storage unit. Maybe in a month or so. The carport has to go up before the shed.

We three also visited Ingels grocery store which is so nice and interesting. I love wondering through there. We toured the area as we, of course, got lost. We had lunch at Hardy’s and it was good. Everyone wanted a hamburger and they have good ones. I can’t think where else we went.

Sunday was quiet. We did go to Kroger’s as we needed a few things that we forgot on Saturday. Also we went to Home Depot to get three signs that say, “NO POOPING ZONE’. There is a person, who we have yet to catch, who picks up her dogs poop in a blue bag, then sets it down by our mailboxes. So we hope this will stop her. The next step will be a sign that says ‘YOU ARE ON CANDID CAMERA”. It is so rude to just put your poop bags in front of the mail boxes. It isn’t anyone that lives in our area of the “village”. So rude.

Quote of the day: “To reach out to others we can start by sharing a smile, and encouraging word, an opportunity to laugh.” My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a sunny, cheerful, mirthful and fun day.
