Friday, March 3, 2023 Overcast High Wind Warnings, Thunderstorms 57 Degrees 8:28 a.m.

Good Morning.

We are in a Sever weather warning with high winds (60 mph) , possible thunder storms and a chance of tornadoes. So with the possibility of power outages I though I would do all my computer projects first thing this morning. The weatherman keeps saying to watch the weather and be aware of high winds. The soil is so saturated because of all the rain we have had that trees are likely to be blown down as well as power lines.

Being from Nevada neither Tina or I thought much of the high wind warning until it was pointed out to us that there are a zillion trees everywhere here and when they get blown down they can do major damage. So I changed my mind about putting a stew in the crockpot, sitting in the electric recliner, and things like that. My cell phone is charged. My tablet is charged. I have the transistor radio ready to play if needed. I have batteries in all flashlights and I think I am prepared. Yes, I have bottled water. Tina is at work so hope she, and they, are as prepared. Mostly, I hope and pray that she and all get home from work safely.

The Cedar tree in front of our homes here is old and some think it might be blown down any time. And there are all kinds of big, tall trees across the street that would hit us if they blew down, so I will spend the afternoon in the den which is located in the back of the house, as far as I can get from the trees. should there be a tornado I will be as safe there as anyplace in the house.

The high temperature today is to be 75 to 78. The low in the morning is to be 43. It was 5 3 this morning when I came downstairs at 5:20 a.m. As everyone keeps saying, we are having weird weather, everywhere.

Quote of the day: “In the trials we’ve faced, something good has happened too: God has fine-tuned us so we are more compassionate, more caring, more loving, more aware of other’s pain.” My calendar

Have a great, safe warm, storm free, energetic, positive and fun day and weekend.



Thursday, March 2, 2023 Cloudy Under high Wind Warning Cool 61 Degrees 4:21 p.m.

A cloudy and cool day. We had a thunderstorm during the night and it was raining when I got up. the rain quit about an hour after I got up and it has been dry the rest of the day. I believe the rain will hit again tonight along with high winds. We are under a high wind warning with the possibility of tornadoes. Winter is still with us. We must have a talk with that groundhog!

Our first bible study went well. Charles is a good leader and the topic, The Truth Project, is very interesting. Also informative. We will meet again on the 16th as nest week Charles has appointments. That gives us more time to study our lesson.

The rest of the day has been quiet. I have worked on my story which is taking more time then I thought it would. I will probably finish it tomorrow and send it off. i will have to go through it and see about corrections. Now it is time to fix dinner.

Quote of the day: “Keep Smiling! The luscious plum forgot to….and it became a wrinkled prune.”

Have a beautiful rest of your Thursday. Make it a thrifty, saving, healthy, safe, and fun day.



Wednesday, March 1, 2023 Partly Sunny Warm Rain tonight 75 Degrees 4:42 p.m.

Hello March! We are expecting a major downpour of rain starting around sunset tonight and going until sometime around sunrise tomorrow. The weatherman said 2 to 3 inches. We do have sandbags if needed. Right now it is sunny and windy. I believe the storms from the west have arrived here, in the Tennessee area as well as the rest of the south. I guess March is coming in like a lion as the saying goes.

Son Jeff said that Reno was getting more then its share of snow and ice. Highway 80 is closed, and as the computer told me, Highway 88 and 50 and 375 were either closed or down to one lane with escort. I believe Highway 95 in that area is closed in several places also. This is Nevada, California, and parts of Arizona.

Emily Harter said that it was cold, rainy, windy and mucky at her place in California. She said the dogs were cranky because of the weather. they don’t like getting their feet wet. Dena Fair said that they had snow, was still snowing where she is. Searchlight Nevada is having snow. I pray that all are safe and warm.

Here, a quiet day, high clouds, warm and nice. I have simply done little projects and talked on the phone, answered e-mails and now will go start dinner.

Quote of the day: “I have a great diet. you’re allowed to eat anything you want, but you must eat it in the company of a naked fat person.” My Calendar

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a warm, cozy, dry, and fun day.
