Thursday, April 6, 2023 Mostly cloudy Breezy Warm 77 Degrees 2:56 p.m.
A nice day. So far, no rain. The weatherman said that we might have showers and or thunderstorms through Friday and possibly Saturday. So far, all is dry and lovely. The birds are busy singing and chattering and eating. I have seen two small lizards securing along and the bumblebees are out and about. Spring is here.
We had bible study this morning. It was good. Today’s topic from the Truth Project was showing the truth about the bible being true. It is the most fascinating book and one that has to be read in different parts rather then from front to back. Today was about the mysterious number of Hebrew kings. How and when they ruled and about the two calendars created when Joram and Jehoram supposedly had conflict. So interesting and I need to watch that DVD again. A whole lot to take in when the DVD is an hour long and has so much information given forth.
Sierra is trying to help me with my blog. Yesterday we really had a battle over her will against mine. I won that battle so she has thought better of trying to walk and sit on the keyboard today. But she is here, right beside it. She wants treats and petting and my lap ti curl up on and nap. Yes, she is spoiled.
Quote of the day: ” HOW TO KNOW YOU’RE GETTING OLD: You put your keys on the dresser, and they mysteriously wind up on the top of the fridge. You lay the remote on the TV and find it later under the sofa. You slip your wallet into your purse (or pant’s pocket) , and the enxt morning it is on the front seat of your car:” My calendar
Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a pleasant, cheerful, prosperous, kind and fun day.