Friday, May1, 2023 Cloudy Windy Cool 60 Degrees 5:19 p.m.
Monday, the first day of the work week and the first day of the fifth month. It is the 121 day of this year. I must say, so far this year has gone fast and has been filled with events, both good and bad. That is life.
Today will be a short blog as I hit my toe and or side of my foot and now it is turning a purplish blue, I guess to match my jeans. It is also starting to swell which is making my shoe (flip flop) feel tight and hurt a bit. I think this is a situation that will call for an ice pack and the foot up. The recliner should work, at least for a bit. Sierra will appreciate the lap when I get in the recliner.
Weather is cool and a sweater is called for, even in the house. I miss the sun shining in the windows to help warm the place up. maybe tomorrow. i think the rest of the week will be about like today with rain towards the end of the week. We are so fortunate as our weather is perfect compared to so much of the country. No complaints.
Quote of the day: ” Learn to look for the joy everywhere you go. When your many troubles are giving you a giant headache remember that the iron crown of suffering precedes the golden crown of glory—that’s what we’ll be in heaven jumping for joy with our heavenly Farther!” My calendar
I hope that you had a fabulous weekend and a fantastic Monday. Make the rest of your day a cheerful, joyous, positive and fun day.