Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Sunny Windy Cool Beautiful 65 Degrees 4:14 p.m.
Another beautiful spring day. It has been sunny all day long with no signs of rain. Maybe tomorrow the rain will make an appearance. The weatherman said that we should reach 70 tomorrow and that would be nice.
I saw on the computer news that Tuesday Morning is having a close out sale. I didn’t realize that they were going out of business. That is a shame. i liked the one in North Las Vegas as I could find items there that I couldn’t find anyplace else. The one in Knoxville is much bigger but not as interesting items wise. There are a lot of stores closing and that is a shame. I saw that in either Washington or Oregon all the Walmart stores are closed. I find that very hard to believe. I know that the stores want everyone to shop on line but I dislike shopping for most things on line. Clothes and shoes especially.
The new flowerbed plants are looking good and seem to be happy and thriving. I hope they last all season. I know that the azaleas will but am not sure about the rest. I think they are seasonal. I think the holly will last year round also. It should be pretty around Christmas time.
For dinner tonight we are having a Simple Greek Salad consisting of cucumbers, spinach, arugula, and kale, cherry tomatoes,feta cheese, scallions,and black olives. I am adding roasted chicken to it. What else I am not sure but I know that we will probably have a roll or something on that order to go with it. The salad, minus the chicken, is 128 calories. This comes from the Mediterranean Refresh recipe book. I didn’t find a recipe for a mid night snack.
Quote of the day: “Marriage is taking on another person in life. It is not usually planned from the beginning; you don’t know who it will be when you are born…but somehow the tow joined become one, even if it doesn’t seem likely or at all possible.” Charlis Collins
have a great res of your Wednesday. Make it a cheerful, pleasant, enjoyable, kind and fun day.