Monday, May8, 2023 Rainy most of the day, now the sun is out. It is 78 Degrees and 3:58 p.m. More thunderstorms due tonight into tomorrow.
A full weekend for us. Saturday we stayed home and got some things done around here, in the yard mostly. Tina was on the phone with Best Buy over the stove. We will get it either Thursday or Friday. I am hoping for Thursday but as long as we get it, I don’t care which day.
Saturday evening the police cars, fire engines and ambulance, rescue and Fire Captain went flying up the Turnpike, one at a time of course. We finally went outside to see if we could see what the cause was. Charles was out and he said that he heard breaks squeal and then a thud. We, of course, couldn’t see anything except the vehicles go flying by. Traffic came to a halt, then the traffic going west was turned around and those coming east were let through, one at a time for awhile, then nothing. We all finally went back to our respective homes and there was still red and blue lights all around.. Bedtime arrived and we went up stairs. Still couldn’t see anything except traffic being turned around at out corner.
I read until 10:30 p.m., then turned off the light. I thought I would look and see if all was once again quiet. It wasn’t. Cars were still being turned back, but a large pickup pulling a horse trailer was stopped in the midsection with his headlights on so am assuming he was blocking traffic as well as furnishing light for the officers. We didn’t know what happened until the news yesterday. We missed the news but Julie told us that a vehicle was doing 100 mph, evidently lost control at the curve and plowed into the guard station. Both occupants in the vehicle were killed. We saw it on the news this morning, That is all we know right now, but all I could think of was how sad for their families to have an officer come to their door and deliver that news. The families are in my prayers as are the first responders.
Yesterday we went to Jerry’s and played with dogs, and, of course, the puppy. She now weighs 15 pounds and is settling in nicely. Tammy said she wants to play at 2 or 3 in the morning. For some reason, neither her , Jerry or the other three dogs think that is play time. I hope she get the sleep schedule down before July.
Quote of the day: “How is it that one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box st start a campfire?” My calendar.
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a productive, pleasant, profitable, and fun day.