Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Sunny Few clouds Windy Beautiful 83 Degrees 5:08 p.m.
A lovely day once the storm went away. Our alarm clock this morning was a thunderstorm, complete with lightening, wind and heavy, rain. There for awhile it was a wild storm passing through our area. We thought it was nice to wait until time for the alarm clock to go off before waking us. By the time Tina left for work the storm had passes and the sun and wind was working hard to chase away the clouds and warm up our day.
Since everything has gotten well watered neither one of us has to go out and water. The birdbath that Tina set up under the dogwood tree is full. I have seen the squirrels come and drink out of it as well as the birds. I do believe they appreciate it.
Today, like now, I am dropping calls. I don’t know why, but here in East Tennessee calls will drop for no apparent reason. The phone has been good all day until now and now I was talking to Tina and the calls kept dropping. I think this is strange, but from what I understand it happens often and to everyone. Tina says that it happens at her work a lot.
The cedar tree, home to so many birds, located in front of Bill’s place but is kind enough to give us some shade also, has a very low hanging limb. I think the wind and rain last night helped to weaken the limb. It was hanging real low this morning but now it looks like it is back where it belongs. I guess the tree wants to keep its limbs. The birds and I agree.
Quote of the day: ” THINGS TO DO TODAY: * Get up .*Survive *Go to bed” Corey j. Rose
Have a great rest of your day. Make it a special, sweet, spectacular and fun day.