TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023

Tuesday, May 23, 2023 Mostly Sunny, Slight Breeze Warm 78 Degrees 2:36 p.m.

Today is laundry day. I postponed it from yesterday due to the repairman expected to repair the handle on the new stove. He came and had it repaired quickly. I, we were very thankful for that. So today I am doing what I normally do on Mondays and also the Tuesday duties which aren’t very much.

Tomorrow I am going to ride in to Knoxville with Tina and spend the day with Dottie. She is painting her front and back porches so I might be able to lend her a hand. It is always fun to visit and do what ever needs doing or just doing what ever we please. After Tina gets off work we plan on going to COSCO and getting what we need there. The weekend, being it is a holiday weekend, will be busier then usual we think. At this time, that is the plan.

No excitement around here, a very quiet day. Of course, doing laundry means I am up and down stairs so probably miss anything or anyone. I went through yesterday’s mail and will probably shred most of it.

I received a letter, which is an official Petition to the United States Congress stating that the Social Security Act NEEDS TO BE PASSED NOW! They want to phase out the earning cap on contributions to Social Security, extending the life of Social Security Trust Fund. Then they want to use the gains from the elimination of the earning cap to increase average Social Security benefits by about $2,400 per year. Adjusting the COLA formula that reflects the costs of goods and services typically used by older Americans, immediately helping Social Security beneficiaries meet their daily needs. So, is this a good idea or not?

Quote of the day: “You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure what you do not understand.” Leonardo DA Vinci

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a thoughtful, energetic, positive, and fun day.


MONDAY, MAY 22, 2023

Monday, May 22, 2023 Mostly Sunny, Breezy Warm 80 Degrees 4:40 p.m.

A beautiful spring day. Birds busy, bees checking out the flowers in the from flower bed. The squirrel is working hard at getting seeds from the one bird feeder, and the chipmunks are scrounging all the ones dropped on the ground by the birds eating from the feeders. We found that the wood bees have returned so will have to go spray for them again. They left one area and moved to another.

WE had a busy and fun weekend. Saturday we did projects around the house and the yard. Of course made a trip to Hobby Lobby which is always fun. WE got what we went for and enjoyed looking at all the pretties we didn’t need. I came home with one Christmas gift. Starting the shopping early this year. So fun. Oh, yes, we got a couple of showers but nothing major so will have to water this evening.

Yesterday we enjoyed or Sunday morning ritual, then I put a big chuck roast in the oven, along with the potatoes, onion and carrots, and garlic, We dug out the spring/summer items from the shed and got them up. So summery and cheerful around here now. Jerry came over with his new puppy, Dallas. she is so cute and sweet and a puppy. Sierra wasn’t happy but only slapped her once when she came right up to her, wanting to make friends and play. Miss Grouchy wasn’t having any of that. Dallas loved the shade trees and green grass. She has all that at home but appreciated having it here also. She is going to be a big puppy dog. She is friendly but Jerry said she is supposed to be a guard dog. Well, Murphy is the guard dog so he might have something to say about that. Of course he is a miniature schnauzer who guards the place very well because he believes he is as big as a lion.

After Jerry arrived Dottie arrived. Poor Tammie had to work a Vols softball tournament so couldn’t be here. Jerry did a few honey-do’s for us which we appreciate so very much, then we sat down to dinner. the roast turned out good as did the veggies. Tina made a peach cobbler that was really good so enjoyed desert also.

After everyone left and all the evening chores were completed we sat down to the news and TV programs. A relaxing two hours or so, then off to bed. Monday morning arrives quite quickly.

Quote of the day: ” Give a friend a phone call or write a letter! Let that person know he or she is in your thoughts and prayers. Offer a word of encouragement—-the oxygen to the soul.” Alfred A Montapert

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a enjoyable, adventurous, productive, pleasant and fun day.


THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023 Mostly cloudy Slight breeze Quiet 76 Degrees 4:09 p.m.

A typical spring day, might rain, might not, not hot, not cold, a bit humid. A pretty day, but not sparkling as when the sun is shining brightly. I guess one might say, a relaxing weather day.

Watching the news this morning was interesting. We have both Democrats and Republicans meeting and discussing the budget, how to try and reach an agreement so the United States of America can pay its’ bills. President Biden off to Japan to discuss world affairs, and The governor of Montana outlawing a popular social media apt. then there is Harry and Megan and the tabloid fame chasers tearing up new York City. And yesterday, we found out that Martha Stewart is on the cover of a Sports magazine! WOW!! She was on the Today show announcing that bit of news. Somehow, I never pictured her as a Cover Girl.

Last evenings dinner was not so good. The lasagna was weird. It tasted O.K. but we never found the sauce nor the noodles. It consisted of very mildly flavored hamburger with white cheese melted over it. We have decided that we won’t buy that again.. Tonight will be the hamburgers and mac and cheese. They will be home made.

I am slowly reading the book of Leonardo DA Vinci. He was quite an interesting and talented person. He invented things way before people ever thought about them much less could use them. He was famous for his being a Renaissance painter and sculptor, and was known as an engineer and a scientist, his work in these fields remained hidden for centuries.He was brilliant beyond words. He was a true genius in every way. More on this subject as I get farther along in this book.

Quote of the day: Experience does not err. Only your judgments err but expecting from her what is not in her power.” Leonardo DA Vinci

Have a Tremendous Thursday, safety, prosperity, well being and fun.



Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Sunny Slight Breeze Clear Beautiful 74 Degrees 4:16 p.m.

A really pretty day, no rain and few clouds. Today was laundry day as the humidity is way down so a good day for the dryer to run. Since it was two day over the normal laundry day, and the weather has been warm and humid, we had quite a large pile of laundry to wash, dry and out away. It has taken all day just about to get it all completed. Of course, other housework goes along with it.

Dinner tonight is lasagna, the rest of the green beans and garlic toast. The lasagna came from the meat market and was recommended as being very good, so we shall see. Tina has been dying to try it and asked for it tonight. I had planned leftovers which is probably why she asked for this. I don’t understand people who don’t like leftovers.

I shall see how the confection oven works now as that is how I am cooking this masterpiece. I have used the oven but not the confection setting. There are so many bells and whistles to try on the stove, dishwasher and microwave that I am busy trying each thing. I do enjoy new gadgets.

Other then all that it has been a quiet day. The one bird feeder is empty so I guess the squirrel has emptied it. I see the rest of the birds are eating out of the other one. The squirrel can’t get into it. The red headed woodpecker has no problem eating out of it, but probably wishes the perch was a bit bigger.

Quote of the day: ‘Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen.”

Leonardo DA Vinci

Have a great rest of your hump day. Make it a happy, enthusiastic, prosperous, and fun day.
