TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2023

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 Cloudy Thunderstorms Predicted Breezy 72 Degrees 9:19 a.m.

The TV local weatherman reported that we would possibly have sever thunderstorms today, probably this afternoon through the early evening hours. She suggested that all our phones, tablets, watches, etc. be charged in the likely event the intranet and /or power goes out for a long period of time. I decided that getting my blog out early would be a good idea.

There really isn’t anything new around here, in our corner of the world. Else where in Oak Ridge a man reported seeing a really big bob cat, approximately 43 pounds two feet high and three feet long. This is a warning for all to keep their pets in. He lives across Oak Ridge and in a mountain type area. Here we haven’t seen any wild animals that dangerous. So far all we have seen, that I know of, is the squirrels and chipmunks. And the birds. We haven’t even see deer so far this year. Since most everyone here keeps their pets indoors and walks their dogs, I think all are safe. I occasionally see a black cat wonder by late at night, and once a white cat. I see them on my blink.

Quote of the day: “Pain is inevitable. WE can’t prevent it, and sometimes we can’t stop it once it’s started. But we can choose not to be miserable. Invite Jesus to come into your fiery furnace with you, and He will place His loving hands under you and lift you up into His strong arms of protection.” Ny calendar.

Have a terrific Tuesday. Make it a cheerful, productive, safe, healthy and fun day.


MONDAY, MAY 15, 2023

Monday, May 15, 2023 Cloudy Warm Breezy 76 Degrees 3:37 p.m.

A lovely day here in Oak Ridge, TN. Tina just called and said it was pouring in Knoxville. She is about 26 miles from here, so I imagine that we will get a downpour shortly. Right now the sun just peaked out and it looks lovely outside. I do have to say it is very muggy, humid, very heavy air. I was going to do laundry today but decided to wait until Wednesday when the humidity is low and the high pressure has moved in and the rain and such has moved out.

The weekend was lovely. Saturday we spend time doing odds and ends here at the house, then took a trip to Hobby Lobby and Kroger’s. Had a late lunch at Calhoun’s. Yes, we have the new stove but didn’t want to dirty it, and it was very warm so why heat the house when one doesn’t have to.???? Besides, we didn’t take anything out of the freezer and both were tired of salads.

Saturday morning we took Sierra to the vet as she has been very cranky and nearly mean. They called back with the blood test results and said that they came back just perfect. Now we have to watch what she eats and write it down and also what she drinks. This should be fun!!! She may be hurting someplace and trying to tell us. I guess next will be x-rays? i don’t know. She is an expensive cat.

Sunday was fun. We went to Jerry’s for a Mother’s Day Brunch. Tammie and he fixed a wonderful sausage egg casserole and the best blueberry breakfast cake. So good. They serve mimosa’s. Very nice. After eating we went outside in the back yard and played with the puppy and adult dogs. That is always fun. Dallas. the puppy, at 10 weeks old, weights 16.9 pounds. She is going to be a big girl very soon. Her fur is so soft and white and pretty. She enjoys hiding under the porch steps but soon she won’t be able to get under there. Jerry may have to block the entrance so she can’t get in there other wise she might just get stuck and they would have to tear out the steps to get her out. the other three have become more welcoming of her and Lacy and Murphy play with her. Finley still is not very welcoming. That will take time.

Quote of the day: “In order to realize the worth of the anchor, we need to feel the stress of the storm.” Corrie Ten Boom

I hope that you had a wonderful Mother’ Day weekend and are enjoying a perfect Spring Monday. Make it a productive, gracious, positive, pleasant and fun day.


FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023

Friday, May 12, 2023 Cloudy Breezy Cool 75 Degrees 5:18 p.m.

Another beautiful, cool spring day. There is a chance of rain, but so far, we haven’t seen any here. Tina said that she had sprinkles on her way home from work. WE could use some here as the flowers, grass and trees love it when watered by Mother Nature.

There is a two bedroom condo for sale in our small little area, called Green Villa. They are asking $300,000. I will be surprised if they get the asking price. We were surprised that the one in the next block of condo’s sold for $240,000. It is also a 2 bedroom. the rooms are small and very little has been done to upgrade them. They have a 1 1/2 car garage that they call a two car garage but only one fits in. Homes are still high priced and the demand is still great as far as I can see.

Nothing much going on today. The biggest thing is that the stove arrived and is installed. We shall use it tomorrow. I took nothing out of the freezer for dinner as i did that last week and we didn’t have a stove. Tomorrow is another day.

Quote of the day: “God loves me so much that He will accept me just as I am. But He loves me too much to leave me that way,” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Friday. And a wonderful, adventurous, enjoyable, safe, healthy and fun Weekend…HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!


THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023

Thursday, May 11, 2023 Cloudy Breezy Cool 74 Degrees 4:13 p.m.

The good weatherman said that we might have rain showers this afternoon and possibly thunderstorms. So far it has been cloudy, cool, and dry. I prefer that it wait until this evening for the showers, and forget the thunderstorm. The plants love the rain water. The birdbath gets fresh water also. The birds, squirrels, and the chipmunk all enjoy the birdbath.

Yesterday Tina stayed home from work and faithfully took her antibiotic and cough/congestion stuff. She felt much better this morning and went to work. She called a while ago and said that her day was going well and felt much better. I am so glad. I don’t get much done when she is home and she hates missing work so is feeling guilty. We binge watched JAG all afternoon. then the news came on.

I am so looking forward to our stove being delivered tomorrow. They said between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. I am hoping for a.m. We have gotten along just fine with the electric frying pan, microwave, etc. but a stove would be so much handier. We have eaten a lot of salads, instant oatmeal, fruit, etc. so it has made for a healthier diet. Bill and Sharon brought over dinner one evening which was so much appreciated, and was so good. That was such a kind gesture. We have such good, kind and thoughtful neighbors here. I am so thankful that we know our neighbors as so many places don’t know their neighbors and that is a shame. At least, most of the time it is.

Quote of the day: IMPONDERABLES FROM THE GAME OF LIFE: 1. Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? 2. Why do we drive on the parkways and park on the driveways?” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a bright, beautiful, brilliant, and fun day.
