TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Sunny Few clouds Windy Beautiful 83 Degrees 5:08 p.m.

A lovely day once the storm went away. Our alarm clock this morning was a thunderstorm, complete with lightening, wind and heavy, rain. There for awhile it was a wild storm passing through our area. We thought it was nice to wait until time for the alarm clock to go off before waking us. By the time Tina left for work the storm had passes and the sun and wind was working hard to chase away the clouds and warm up our day.

Since everything has gotten well watered neither one of us has to go out and water. The birdbath that Tina set up under the dogwood tree is full. I have seen the squirrels come and drink out of it as well as the birds. I do believe they appreciate it.

Today, like now, I am dropping calls. I don’t know why, but here in East Tennessee calls will drop for no apparent reason. The phone has been good all day until now and now I was talking to Tina and the calls kept dropping. I think this is strange, but from what I understand it happens often and to everyone. Tina says that it happens at her work a lot.

The cedar tree, home to so many birds, located in front of Bill’s place but is kind enough to give us some shade also, has a very low hanging limb. I think the wind and rain last night helped to weaken the limb. It was hanging real low this morning but now it looks like it is back where it belongs. I guess the tree wants to keep its limbs. The birds and I agree.

Quote of the day: ” THINGS TO DO TODAY: * Get up .*Survive *Go to bed” Corey j. Rose

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a special, sweet, spectacular and fun day.


MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023

Monday, May8, 2023 Rainy most of the day, now the sun is out. It is 78 Degrees and 3:58 p.m. More thunderstorms due tonight into tomorrow.

A full weekend for us. Saturday we stayed home and got some things done around here, in the yard mostly. Tina was on the phone with Best Buy over the stove. We will get it either Thursday or Friday. I am hoping for Thursday but as long as we get it, I don’t care which day.

Saturday evening the police cars, fire engines and ambulance, rescue and Fire Captain went flying up the Turnpike, one at a time of course. We finally went outside to see if we could see what the cause was. Charles was out and he said that he heard breaks squeal and then a thud. We, of course, couldn’t see anything except the vehicles go flying by. Traffic came to a halt, then the traffic going west was turned around and those coming east were let through, one at a time for awhile, then nothing. We all finally went back to our respective homes and there was still red and blue lights all around.. Bedtime arrived and we went up stairs. Still couldn’t see anything except traffic being turned around at out corner.

I read until 10:30 p.m., then turned off the light. I thought I would look and see if all was once again quiet. It wasn’t. Cars were still being turned back, but a large pickup pulling a horse trailer was stopped in the midsection with his headlights on so am assuming he was blocking traffic as well as furnishing light for the officers. We didn’t know what happened until the news yesterday. We missed the news but Julie told us that a vehicle was doing 100 mph, evidently lost control at the curve and plowed into the guard station. Both occupants in the vehicle were killed. We saw it on the news this morning, That is all we know right now, but all I could think of was how sad for their families to have an officer come to their door and deliver that news. The families are in my prayers as are the first responders.

Yesterday we went to Jerry’s and played with dogs, and, of course, the puppy. She now weighs 15 pounds and is settling in nicely. Tammy said she wants to play at 2 or 3 in the morning. For some reason, neither her , Jerry or the other three dogs think that is play time. I hope she get the sleep schedule down before July.

Quote of the day: “How is it that one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box st start a campfire?” My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a productive, pleasant, profitable, and fun day.


THURSDAY, MAY, 4, 2023

Thursday, May 4, 2023 Sunny Slight Breeze Cool Beautiful 66 Degrees 4:25 p.m.

A few very high, whispy clouds, a mixture of slightly warmish/coolish. All in all, a great day. A busy day and an interesting day. We had bible study this morning with Louie Giglio. The topic was Fruitcake and Ice cream. Vary good.

I spent the morning, before and after bible study getting everything off the kitchen counters and out of a cupboard in preparation for the delivery of the stove, microwave and dishwasher. I made sure all my dishes were washed, dried and out away, I made sure everything was out from the cupboard under the sink. I made sure everything was away from the electric box and that there was a wide, clear area from the back door to where the appliances were to go in the kitchen. Then I sat down and waited. I thought that they were to be here between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. but they called and said that they would be here around 1:45p.m. and they were here at 1:37 p.m. I was happy that they got here early.

They were very nice and did a good job. They removed the old appliances which is much appreciated. The new microwave went in first. then came the stove and it went in but was the wrong stove, so they took it back. We said that they didn’t have to put the old one back in as we could do without a stove for a day or two. Sure look funny without the stove in that spot. I am now eager for it to get here but it will probably be Saturday, I think. Maybe tomorrow, but Saturday sounds more realistic.

Now to get things back in order. Tina is bringing her version of P.F Chang’s home for dinner. That is the fast food one who’s name I can’t think of. At least we won’t have to “cook”. I will put something in the crockpot tomorrow morning.

Quote of the day: “If you laugh a lot, when you get older;your wrinkles will be in the right places.” Andrew Mason Praise the Lord O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. Psalm 103.2

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a profitable, wrinkle free, laughable and fun day.



Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Sunny Windy Cool Beautiful 65 Degrees 4:14 p.m.

Another beautiful spring day. It has been sunny all day long with no signs of rain. Maybe tomorrow the rain will make an appearance. The weatherman said that we should reach 70 tomorrow and that would be nice.

I saw on the computer news that Tuesday Morning is having a close out sale. I didn’t realize that they were going out of business. That is a shame. i liked the one in North Las Vegas as I could find items there that I couldn’t find anyplace else. The one in Knoxville is much bigger but not as interesting items wise. There are a lot of stores closing and that is a shame. I saw that in either Washington or Oregon all the Walmart stores are closed. I find that very hard to believe. I know that the stores want everyone to shop on line but I dislike shopping for most things on line. Clothes and shoes especially.

The new flowerbed plants are looking good and seem to be happy and thriving. I hope they last all season. I know that the azaleas will but am not sure about the rest. I think they are seasonal. I think the holly will last year round also. It should be pretty around Christmas time.

For dinner tonight we are having a Simple Greek Salad consisting of cucumbers, spinach, arugula, and kale, cherry tomatoes,feta cheese, scallions,and black olives. I am adding roasted chicken to it. What else I am not sure but I know that we will probably have a roll or something on that order to go with it. The salad, minus the chicken, is 128 calories. This comes from the Mediterranean Refresh recipe book. I didn’t find a recipe for a mid night snack.

Quote of the day: “Marriage is taking on another person in life. It is not usually planned from the beginning; you don’t know who it will be when you are born…but somehow the tow joined become one, even if it doesn’t seem likely or at all possible.” Charlis Collins

have a great res of your Wednesday. Make it a cheerful, pleasant, enjoyable, kind and fun day.
