Tuesday, June 13, 2023 Mostly Sunny Windy Warm 70 Degrees 5:00 p.m.
A beautiful day. It is still spring, the wind is blowing and the temperature is warm but not hot. No rain today, maybe tomorrow. We had clouds this morning but they went away about mid morning and the sun has been bright and warm.
Today was laundry day I got that done by noon, then worked on some other projects. I will package up all the bedding that we want to give and have it ready for Bill to take to the lay who collect things for the mission for the Appellations. It will be nice to have it off the couch. I am glad that it will go to folks who really need the items.
Well, we will be car less until Thursday afternoon when Tina get off work and can pick up the car. Chuck called her and said that it would be ready Thursday when she got off work. it hasn’t been bad being without a car but one learns to make do with what is in the pantry and freezer. Bill picked up coffee for us as we ran out, and for that we are very grateful. That is a a must to start the day with.
Nothing else going on today so I believe it is Quote time. “A Little Boy’s Prayer: Dear God, take care of the whole world. And please, God, take care of yourself, or we’re all sunk!” My Calendar
Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday.. Make it a energetic, positive, active, productive and fun day.