TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2023

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 Mostly Sunny Breezy Warm 83 Degrees 4:26 p.m.

The breeze has turned into windy. It is more cloudy then sunny and the humidity is 58 % at the moment. Such crazy weather we are having. It looks like it could rain but the weatherman said not until Friday or Saturday. Who knows? Conley came and mowed the lawn this afternoon so it will probably rain and the grass will grow quickly so that he can come back sooner. Lawn mowing is big business here in East Tennessee and I can sure see why. Grass grows very well and very quickly. Of course, so does everything else, like weeds.

Last week I saw a young deer stroll through the yard. It was so pretty. We were wondering where the rest of the herd was and hoping that it wasn’t an orphan. I guess we won’t know that part of the story. It went on through to the golf course which is at the end of our Greenview Village. Several people who live in this area have golf carts and go play golf often. We haven’t taken up that game as of yet.

Julie, next door, is having new flooring put in their living room. I am so anxious to see it when they are finished. Eventually we will be getting new flooring, but we have other things that have to come first. She said it had been in the planning stages for over five years and they have lived her much longer then that. Right now their living room is in their carport. I told them it is so nice to have such an airy room with a great view. They laughed. It is a bit noisy with the turnpike so close. They can watch the cars speed by. Their own private view to the daily traffic races.

The birds are very busy hunting for worms, eating from the feeders and enjoying the dry weather. I have seen the bluejays our and about this afternoon. The hummingbirds are so pretty and so busy. They have nearly emptied the hummingbird feeder that I filled yesterday. I have seen three and four hummingbirds eating at a time.

Other then that it has been a quiet day. I have been fighting with the computer. it doesn’t want to do what I want it to do so we agreed to disagree. I guess I will have to retype my story over again as it won’t let me send it or affix it as an attachment.

Right now it is time to start dinner. And do a couple other things before Tina gets home.

Quote of the day: “Happy Moments–those moments when you feel fully alive—certainly exist. They swim by us every day like shining, silver fish waiting to be caught.” Alice Steinback

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a positive, productive, pleasant and fun day.
