FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2023

Friday, July 28, 2023 Mostly Sunny Hot Feels Like Las Vegas 93 Degrees 4:41 p.m.

Today it is hot and a bit humid. Like 60% humidity. The heat index is over 100. I am not sure what that means, but I do know that it is hot outside. In here it is nice as I have the ceiling fans going and the thermometer set at 73. If we turn it lower the upstairs rooms get up to 80 and that is not good sleeping temperature.

The birds don’t seem to mind the heat. The hummingbirds have come close to completing their daily full feeder of food. There is at least six of them, so pretty and so colorful. On the seed feeder I have a variety of wrens, woodpeckers, cardinals, and a cute little black and gray one that I haven’t identified as yet. There are doves that eat what ever gets knocked down on the ground. A goldfinch makes an appearance every once in a while. they are so pretty.

Today Pamela and I went to the movies and saw “Barbie”. Neither of us cared to much for it. I was amazed at the amount of women over 50 + who were there. Two little girls, two elderly couples and one youngish man plus Pamela and I. Pamela said that some of her girlfriends had gone and really liked the movie. Tina said that several from her office had gone and liked it. There was some good parts but not many. All in all I thought it was juvenile. It is rated PG and I believe that is because at the end it shows Barbie at a desk. The lady at the desk asks her her name and she says, Wilson, Barbie. The lady asks why she is there and Barbie says I want to see my gynecologist. that is the end of the movie. We know that Ken likes her and Barbie doesn’t seem very interested in him per say. After all, all the men are named Ken and all the girls are named Barbie! It is Barbie Land and then the Real World.

Now it is dinner time. Something cool and colorful. a green salad with grilled chicken, I think.

Quote of the day: “Thinking will get us to the foot of the mountain. Faith will get us to the top.” My Calendar

have a great rest of your Friday and a relaxing, enjoyable, adventurous, safe and cool weekend.
