Thursday, August 10, 2023 Sunny Few Showers Calm Nice 79 Degrees 6:20 p.m.

After a stormy morning the day has been beautiful. We have a brief shower every so often but nothing major or lasting. Tomorrow will be sunny and warmer with the possibility of a stray shower or two.

WE had bible study this morning. Our leader will not be able to be here every week so it will be Julie and I with him popping in when he can. Employment takes president of course. We will miss him but also know that he will answer questions when needed. That, both Julie and I appreciate.

The afternoon was quiet for the most part. I managed to finish my stories and get them sent in. I enjoy writing them but usually have to give some thought to each one. I want them to be a factual as possible.

Now, it is after dinner and time to relax and watch the news.

Quote time: ” There are several things that may cause men’s stress levels to rise. One stressful activity is brushing their hair and finding that they’re becoming, shall we say, folicularly challenged”. My Calendar.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a pleasant, stress free, energetic, relaxing and fun evening.
