Monday, August 14, 2023 Partly Cloudy High Winds expected Soon Hot Muggy 86 degrees 5:24 p.m.
This will be continued after a bit. Dinner just announced that it was ready so have to tend to it now. The one thing I miss from Nevada is gas cook stove. Most everything here is electric. One has to watch what is on the stove carefully as it gets hotter and will burn easier. I have learned that the hard way, of course.
The weekend was great. Saturday morning Sierra had a vet appointment so we had her there on time, not willingly. She was not a willing cat when it came to getting in her carrier. Then at the Vets she wouldn’t come out of her carrier. When they finally got her out she growled and hissed at them. As soon as the vet let go of her tail, which he raised and looked under, she dashed back into her carrier and went in as far back as she could scoot. When we got home and opened the carrier she marched out, went and got a drink, then came and laid in my chair.
After that, I got the sewing machine out and prepared to hem the blanket from Tina’s bed. it is about a foot to long so hangs on the floor. We measured it and cut the amount off, then came downstairs to hem it. I couldn’t keep the needle threaded. Tina couldn’t keep the needle threaded. So we will make an appointment at Joann’s and see if they can show us what we are doing wrong. That was so maddening.
Sunday morning we had coffee and breakfast then started gathering the trash. I went to do the cat box and discovered how Sierra paid us back. she had scratch car litter all over the back end of her cat box, making sure to cover my little vacuum, the floor, the base of the magnifying lamp, etc. So I got the privileged of cleaning that up. it took awhile as she did a great job. I think I could of planted a tree in the amount of dirt she managed to get out of the cat box. Animals certainly do have a way of expressing their anger. It could of been worse.
Quote of the day: ” I don’t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it”. My calendar
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it an enjoyable, relaxing, cheerful and fun day.