Tuesday, August 15, 2023 Mostly Sunny Breezy Less Humid 81 Degrees 5:36 p.m.

A beautiful day after a stormy night. We had thunderstorms on and off all night. Thunder isn’t quiet. The weather lady said that today the humidity would go way down and it would be a mostly sunny day. so far she is correct. It has been a scrumptious day.

Today the laundry got done and a bit of housework was accomplished. I even got to work on the pictures some. It is fun looking back and remembering all the different events and places and people. But putting them in order of events, places, times and who is who is a bit challenging. However, if I am lucky I will get it all together and into a book one day before I am 500 years old. Who knows.

Word has it that it will be at least six months before the apartments that the tornado hit last week will be ready for occupancy. Those poor people are left homeless and probably wondering if they should get a new apartment someplace or stay in the motels or with family or friends. Not all have been let back in to get their belongings, or what remains of them. Of course they are much better off then the people in Hawaii. My heart goes out to them as they have nothing to go back to but ashes.

Quote of the day: “This bumper sticker was punctuated with a bold cross; No matter which direction I’m heading, I’m homeward bound!” My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a cheerful, fascinating, interesting and fun day.
