Monday, August 21, 2023 Mostly Sunny Breezy Hot Humid 91 Degrees 4:40 p.m.
A beautiful weekend here. A bit on the warm side but not bad. We managed to stay home for most of Saturday, but did make a quick trip to Hobby Lobby and Walmart. I was so proud of me as I went in to Hobby Lobby, got exactly what I went in there for and came out. No extras at all. Tina didn’t need anything at Hobby Lobby but she came out with three or four things. She said that one was a Christmas Present. Walmart was no problem as all we got there was a few groceries.
At home we worked on some crafts, did a few project around the house, watched TV and read. it was a nice and relaxing weekend. Of course it is hot outside so Tina is very happy to stay indoors and be a couch potato. We did watch a lot of FOX Weather to see what Hillery was doing to Yuma, Vegas, Reno etc. Today the kids day all is well with them, so hope it stays that way. Yuma had trees uprooted and power poles snapped, lines down and tons of rain. O course, no power to 30, 000 people. I watched all that on the Computer this morning. Reno has power out for over 19, 000 people in just Reno and Sparks. If you include Washoe Valley it is 33,000 people without power. I feel bad for them as well as the people in California. Vegas had damage on the strip as some of the casinos flooded and had major water damage.
Quote of the day: ” The only good thing about the decline of my memory is that it has brought me closer to my mother, for she and I now forget everything at the same time.” Bill Crosby
Have a great, rest of your Monday. Make it a safe, dry, powerful, calm and fun day.
Today has been laundry and that is completed.