Monday, August 14, 2023 Partly Cloudy High Winds expected Soon Hot Muggy 86 degrees 5:24 p.m.

This will be continued after a bit. Dinner just announced that it was ready so have to tend to it now. The one thing I miss from Nevada is gas cook stove. Most everything here is electric. One has to watch what is on the stove carefully as it gets hotter and will burn easier. I have learned that the hard way, of course.

The weekend was great. Saturday morning Sierra had a vet appointment so we had her there on time, not willingly. She was not a willing cat when it came to getting in her carrier. Then at the Vets she wouldn’t come out of her carrier. When they finally got her out she growled and hissed at them. As soon as the vet let go of her tail, which he raised and looked under, she dashed back into her carrier and went in as far back as she could scoot. When we got home and opened the carrier she marched out, went and got a drink, then came and laid in my chair.

After that, I got the sewing machine out and prepared to hem the blanket from Tina’s bed. it is about a foot to long so hangs on the floor. We measured it and cut the amount off, then came downstairs to hem it. I couldn’t keep the needle threaded. Tina couldn’t keep the needle threaded. So we will make an appointment at Joann’s and see if they can show us what we are doing wrong. That was so maddening.

Sunday morning we had coffee and breakfast then started gathering the trash. I went to do the cat box and discovered how Sierra paid us back. she had scratch car litter all over the back end of her cat box, making sure to cover my little vacuum, the floor, the base of the magnifying lamp, etc. So I got the privileged of cleaning that up. it took awhile as she did a great job. I think I could of planted a tree in the amount of dirt she managed to get out of the cat box. Animals certainly do have a way of expressing their anger. It could of been worse.

Quote of the day: ” I don’t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it”. My calendar

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it an enjoyable, relaxing, cheerful and fun day.



Thursday, August 10, 2023 Sunny Few Showers Calm Nice 79 Degrees 6:20 p.m.

After a stormy morning the day has been beautiful. We have a brief shower every so often but nothing major or lasting. Tomorrow will be sunny and warmer with the possibility of a stray shower or two.

WE had bible study this morning. Our leader will not be able to be here every week so it will be Julie and I with him popping in when he can. Employment takes president of course. We will miss him but also know that he will answer questions when needed. That, both Julie and I appreciate.

The afternoon was quiet for the most part. I managed to finish my stories and get them sent in. I enjoy writing them but usually have to give some thought to each one. I want them to be a factual as possible.

Now, it is after dinner and time to relax and watch the news.

Quote time: ” There are several things that may cause men’s stress levels to rise. One stressful activity is brushing their hair and finding that they’re becoming, shall we say, folicularly challenged”. My Calendar.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a pleasant, stress free, energetic, relaxing and fun evening.



Wednesday, August 9, 2023 Mostly Sunny Slight Breeze Warm 80 Degrees 4:33 p.m.

We have had a busy couple of days. The storm Monday turned out to be a F2 tornado. The tornado didn’t hit 2 of the buildings that Tina, Tammy and Monica work in, but it hit one of the buildings as well as the big apartment complex behind the place where the girls work. One build is uninhabitable and will take months to get back to being operating again. Another building isn’t as bad off but still needs some repairs. I guess all three buildings need new windows, maybe doors and I don’t know what all. Right now, some of the people are able to work at their desks while others are working from home or being set up at a different location. Tina said there is broke glass all over the place as well as wood of all shapes and sizes, parts of the roofs from the apartment buildings and tree limbs, leaves, and who knows what else.

The best part of it all is that no one was hurt seriously. That is a miracle. there are 400 people having to find other places to stay as they can’t go back to their apartments, and have no idea when they will be able to. Also so many cars were damaged or destroyed so some are not homeless without transportation. I see this on TV from other places and feel so bad for those people, but this was very close to home and I now feel so bad for all those people, here and everywhere.

People from Knoxville, Oak Ridge and other neighboring towns have arrived to help where and how they can. Not just in Knoxville but other towns that sustained high winds and terrific damage. Schools, homes, businesses across the state as well as Kentucky were hit by 60 = mph winds and torrential rains. Here, we had some wind damage but nothing serious. Limbs blown down. Right here, our 4 townhouses were fortunate as not much at all. A pillow off Tina’s butterfly chair was in the flowerbed, the fake flowers in the welcome sign had blown halfway across the yard. Next door, at the Mayor’s home, he had a plant blown over and a small evergreen tree blown over, and that was all. I up righted them both. Everything is well watered, probably with way to much rain water. We lost power for a very short while. Parts of Knoxville still hasn’t gotten power as of noon. Jerry and Dottie lost power for three hours or so, but felt extremely fortunate to have it back on in such a short time, in comparison to others.

The weatherman said that we should be getting another storm later on this afternoon or early evening, and it should last until early Thursday morning. Since the birds are not flocking at the bird feeders or the hummingbirds draining the hummingbird feeder i am sure something is coming. Also I hear the katydids in the trees, loud and clear. Summertime is starting to think about fall, I think.

Quote of the day: “The second day of the diet is always easier then the first/ By the second day your’re off it.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a productive, positive, pleasant, and fun day.



Monday, August 7, 202 Mostly Cloudy Very Windy Under Tornado Watch 73 Degrees 4:26 p.m.

Good Monday afternoon. I hope that you are having a cheerful one, and good weather. Here we have had a terrific thunderstorm and high winds. I had a doctor’s appointment, so Tina came home and picked me up. It had started to sprinkle when she got here. bu the time we got out in the car the storm hit and the rain came down in buckets. The wind blew the rain sideways, the streets and the turnpike flooded in a matter of seconds. If a car passed us it sent a wave of water, blinding us for a moment. the trip to the doctor office was a bit exciting to put it mildly.

While at the doctors office the rain quit. The wind slowed down some. By the time we got to Kroger’s the wind had all but stopped and the streets were dry with just tiny puddles here and there. Everything else was wet and dripping. Now, it is mostly sunny but the wind is blowing fairly good and the chance of more rain is in the forecast. We do have power. There are limbs down in our Green Villa, but not in our yard. I saw some down the street that we turn in at. I hope that it is nothing serious, damage wise.

Jerry called and said that they didn’t have power and that some trees and limbs are down. Monica Carter, who works with Tina, called and said that they had been sent home. The wind had blown so hard that trees fell and hit their building, crashing in windows. They aren’t sure if it was just high winds or a tornado. Tina’s boss just called and said that it was a tornado and there is extensive damage, to not plan on coming in to work unless she calls her tonight. Thank God that no one was hurt.

Jerry and Tammy, at home, took Dallas to Doggie Day Care this morning. Now, with the power out, they will have to walk over to pick her up. Both their cars are in the garage and the garage only opens with the garage door openers, and it is electric. I am sure there is another way but if there is they don’t know what it is. Fortunately the Day care isn’t to far from their home. I bet the Day Care was wild with all the dogs during the thunder storm. I guess there was a lot of damage around their home also. There are so many trees back here, all over the place. I am so thankful that the old cedar tree in front here is still standing. It didn’t even loose a branch.

Quote of the day: “Life becomes much easier once you get through youth, middle age and old age.” My calendar.

Have a great Monday. Make it a safe, adventurous, prosperous, pleasant and fun day.
