Tuesday, September 12, 2023 Mostly Cloudy Breezy Maybe Rain 85 Degrees 4:48 p.m.
Today is Tuesday, the 255th day of the year.There is 110 days left in this year and the holidays are fast approaching. I do believe it is sad that Christmas stuff is out in all the stores and adds and just EVERYWHERE! To go along with that, the mail is slow and not as dependable as it use to be. And the price to mail things has gone up drastically. That is sad but not to dampen the Christmas spirit. We have a few holidays that can be celebrated before The Big Two! After all, I am sure everyone celebrates Columbus Day in a big way!
Today has been busy and fun. Pamela came over early this morning and asked if I had had breakfast yet? I said no, so we went to The Soda Fountain and had a great breakfast. That is a nice , family owned little restaurant with good food and nice people. It is usually crowded so getting their early is a key to getting a good seat.
After breakfast we came back here and played games. The first game was Wheel of Fortune where she won because the bank ran out of money. I do believe we need to re-read the instructions before playing again. The second game was Can You Name Five? That one we played a little bit but decided it was to complicated so put it away and went to Yahtzee where she won by a very few point.
We then decided that it was lunch time so chicken salad sandwich and a slice of pizza (Bill came over with pizza) and to watch a movie. We watched The Hidden Few. So good. I think this is the third time I have seen it. After the movie she headed to her dad’s to hopefully catch a nap. I did some picking up and putting away, the chatted with Dottie. Now I am visiting you.
Quote of the day: “Have you been there for someone who was hurting? Did you go out of your way just to be kind? Were you willing to share your time and your life?” Donna Watson My calendar
Have a great Tuesday. Make it a friendly, thoughtful, kind, fun, and meaningful day.