Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Partly cloudy Breezy Quiet 79 Degrees 4:38 p.m.
Just two days until Fall! The weather is a bit cooler, in the low 80’s and high 70’s. I don’t think we will get rain for the rest of the week which means I need to water at least every other day. I think the birds are heading to their winter homes as I see very few now. I think I have seen only one hummingbird all day, and that was this morning. This weekend I will take down the hummingbird feeder unless I see one or two between now and then. Summer birds leave and hopefully winter birds move in.
Today we have had internet problems. This morning it was the TV. It kept going in and out and telling me firestick. Then I noticed that BLINK wasn’t working, Then I checked the Echo and it is now sort of working, has a long, bright yellow light at the bottom, goes all the way across the screen., So I pulled up my Amazon account and discovered that I hadn’t paid it. I kept thinking it was due but had no notice or bill so didn’t worry about it. It will be on the calendar for next year. So dumb!
Today I cleaned the dining room and got all the dust from the sanding last weekend. That stuff goes everywhere. So all shelves on the nick knack holders are dusted and polished, cups and saucers washed, dried and put back up, all the souvenir spoons shined and put back up, all the nick knacks washed and returned to their spots. All that takes time but sure looks nice. Table shined and chairs dusted and book case and buffets all looking good. Drawers cleaned out and neat.
Not it is dinner time and also time for Tina to get home.
Quote of the day:: “I can’t cook; hate to clean; and loathe ironing; The only thing domestic about me is that I was born in this country.” Phyllis Diller
have a great rest of your hump day. Make it a cheerful, enjoyable, pleasant and fun day.