Wednesday, September 27, 2023 Cloudy Might Rain Windy Warm 84 Degrees 4:05 p.m.
It has been a busy day around here. I have done the floors downstairs and that is quite an accomplishment for me. They are so old and some spots pop up so have to be careful. But, they are clean.
Yesterday I had company on and off all day. it was fun. The stray yellow or orange cat decided to come around again. it hung out with Juli and I our back. Then she went in her house and I went in our house. The cat stayed and came up to the back glass screen door. Sierra decided to go to the back glass screen door and there sat the yellow cat, The UN-hospality was on. The orange cat wanted in and Sierra wanted it gone, off the property, far far away. however she just sat there and looked at it for awhile, the orange cat sat there and meowed, the yowled and then got aggressive with the yowling adding hissing and standing on back legs to fight. Sierra sat up straight and growled. I shut the door and closed the blind. Sierra went and curled up in her bed and the orange cat left, went to hang out at Julies. Her two dogs don’t appreciate the intruder either and he husband is deathly allergic to cats. Such excitement. I haven’t seen it today at all, which is good.
Today Dallas went in for her surgery on her leg. I am waiting to hear how it went. She is just a puppy, (a sixty + pound puppy and her leg bones are growing to fast to keep up with her joints. I hope this fixes that problem and she has many years of being a playful, fun, happy and healthy puppy.
I think we are going to have a storm. It is getting dark and still. I am going to do the quote and send this before the power decides to go out.
Quote of the day: “Oh Lord, Bless the person who is too busy to worry in the day time and too sleepy to worry at night.” Caroline Schroeder
Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday. Keep it a safe, healthy, cheerful, enjoyable and fun day.