Friday, September 15, 2023 Mostly Sunny Beautiful Breezy 81 Degrees 4:17 p.m.
The end of the work week for those people who leave the house each morning and return each evening or when ever their working hours are. For us “retired” people, it is just Friday and with my project going I will work tomorrow as well. These projects can get to be very time consuming. They can also let you know that you aren’t 21 any longer and that it is time to get on the exercise kick and work at getting back in shape, or as much as possible.
Today, among other things that need to be done around the house each day, I am sanding. That isn’t to hard once I got the hang of it. The problem is sanding the lower part of the wall. How I would love to be able to get on the floor rather then bend over. But, alas that is not to be. My “fake” knees say No, No, No! That is about the only thing I can’t do and I am very glad that I have them as the “real” knees were totally worn out. Now I have a small stool that I am sitting on and hoping that it will work long enough for me to get all the bottom of the wall done. I hope that by Monday that room will be completed.
Dinner tonight is salmon fillets, celentro rice, and a veggie. A simple, but nourishing meal. Night before last we had Tina’s favorite so tonight it is my turn. Besides, I don’t have time to make anything to fancy. I have to sand!
Quote of the day: “I’ve discovered an interesting phenomenon: If you keep microwaving bacon until it gets “real crispy” it will eventually melt down, and you will have to suck the flavor out of the paper towel.” My calendar . Sounds yucky to me.
Have a great rest of your Friday. Make it a spectacular day, and have a fantastic, enjoyable, adventurous, and fun weekend. Make it safe and healthy.