Friday, September 15, 2023 Mostly Sunny Beautiful Breezy 81 Degrees 4:17 p.m.

The end of the work week for those people who leave the house each morning and return each evening or when ever their working hours are. For us “retired” people, it is just Friday and with my project going I will work tomorrow as well. These projects can get to be very time consuming. They can also let you know that you aren’t 21 any longer and that it is time to get on the exercise kick and work at getting back in shape, or as much as possible.

Today, among other things that need to be done around the house each day, I am sanding. That isn’t to hard once I got the hang of it. The problem is sanding the lower part of the wall. How I would love to be able to get on the floor rather then bend over. But, alas that is not to be. My “fake” knees say No, No, No! That is about the only thing I can’t do and I am very glad that I have them as the “real” knees were totally worn out. Now I have a small stool that I am sitting on and hoping that it will work long enough for me to get all the bottom of the wall done. I hope that by Monday that room will be completed.

Dinner tonight is salmon fillets, celentro rice, and a veggie. A simple, but nourishing meal. Night before last we had Tina’s favorite so tonight it is my turn. Besides, I don’t have time to make anything to fancy. I have to sand!

Quote of the day: “I’ve discovered an interesting phenomenon: If you keep microwaving bacon until it gets “real crispy” it will eventually melt down, and you will have to suck the flavor out of the paper towel.” My calendar . Sounds yucky to me.

Have a great rest of your Friday. Make it a spectacular day, and have a fantastic, enjoyable, adventurous, and fun weekend. Make it safe and healthy.



Thursday, September 14, 2023 Mostly Sunny Breezy Few Clouds 79 Degrees 4:21 p.m.

Another beautiful late summer day. It has been a quiet day with only two hummingbirds and a wren or two. The leaves are slowly beginning to change color and there is a feel of fall in the air. We will be having cooler nights and days in the 7os and maybe some low 80’s. So it is said anyhow.

Today I have played catch up and went through all the mail and junk on my desk. The mail consisted mostly of adds but some political stuff and lots of “donations please” letters. The political ones were the same. My opinion and a donation for the cause. I have a feeling that they could care less about my opinion but just want money. They didn’t get either. Now the shredder is nearly full and my desk top is nearly empty. So nice.

Tomorrow I was going to Knoxville but Dottie isn’t feeling well, picked up a bug, so will stay home and let her recoup. That is sad to be ill on your birthday. Tomorrow is her birthday and she will be 21 again. I will send her an E-card and call her. I can’t do much else since all are staying away so her bug leave and she becomes bug-less.

From the news I understand that there is a criminal running loose, wanted for murder. He was in Kentucky but they said that he has returned to Anderson County so I have my doors locked, just in case. I am not sure what part of Anderson County so will just be careful. They just caught the one in Pennsylvania. There, the dog is the hero.

Quote of the day: “Signs that you are getting older: Dialing long distance wears you out.” My calendar. You can tell I have had this calendar for a few years…….quite a few years.

Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. Make it a whimsical, enjoyable, creative and fun day.




Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Mostly Sunny, Breezy Warm 80 Degrees 4:49 p.m.

A beautiful day. It was a bit cool when we got up this morning and that was nice for a change. I think Fall is knocking at Summer’s back door. The stores are full of pumpkins and hay bales; spiced teas and ginger cookies. Pumpkin Pies at Cosco are big and looking good.

Tuesday I fixed drumsticks in the air fryer in our stove. They were so good. Fat and juicy and yummy. We got them at COSCO. anyhow, I read in the directions on the stove not to put anything under so that the air could circulate. I minded well. Last evening we cleaned the stove. It is a self cleaning stove so no problem. Except, all the drippings from the drumsticks went to the bottom of the stove so of course burned off as the stove was cleaning. We had a very smoky house for awhile. Our eyes were burning and it was pretty bad. of course we opened the window and turned on the fans. Never again. I will make sure to put the oven aluminum mat on the bottom so that I can just pick it up and throw it away after I air fry.

So today I spent the morning finishing cleaning the racks and rest of the stove. It is all shiny and pretty this afternoon. Tina wants Mac and cheese and hamburgers for dinner so that isn’t to messy. I will throw in a veggie to make it healthy.

Quote of the day: “Truly, memory is a mental bank account in it we deposit the treasures of our lives so that, in time of need we can withdraw hope and courage. These treasures are memories large and small: splashes of joy ranging ranging from a pat on the back, the beauty of a full moon on a special evening, finding an empty parking space when we were in a terrible rush, enjoying a glorious sunset with someone we love.” My Calendar.

Have a glorious rest of your Wednesday. Make it a adventurous, successful, enjoyable and fun day.



Tuesday, September 12, 2023 Mostly Cloudy Breezy Maybe Rain 85 Degrees 4:48 p.m.

Today is Tuesday, the 255th day of the year.There is 110 days left in this year and the holidays are fast approaching. I do believe it is sad that Christmas stuff is out in all the stores and adds and just EVERYWHERE! To go along with that, the mail is slow and not as dependable as it use to be. And the price to mail things has gone up drastically. That is sad but not to dampen the Christmas spirit. We have a few holidays that can be celebrated before The Big Two! After all, I am sure everyone celebrates Columbus Day in a big way!

Today has been busy and fun. Pamela came over early this morning and asked if I had had breakfast yet? I said no, so we went to The Soda Fountain and had a great breakfast. That is a nice , family owned little restaurant with good food and nice people. It is usually crowded so getting their early is a key to getting a good seat.

After breakfast we came back here and played games. The first game was Wheel of Fortune where she won because the bank ran out of money. I do believe we need to re-read the instructions before playing again. The second game was Can You Name Five? That one we played a little bit but decided it was to complicated so put it away and went to Yahtzee where she won by a very few point.

We then decided that it was lunch time so chicken salad sandwich and a slice of pizza (Bill came over with pizza) and to watch a movie. We watched The Hidden Few. So good. I think this is the third time I have seen it. After the movie she headed to her dad’s to hopefully catch a nap. I did some picking up and putting away, the chatted with Dottie. Now I am visiting you.

Quote of the day: “Have you been there for someone who was hurting? Did you go out of your way just to be kind? Were you willing to share your time and your life?” Donna Watson My calendar

Have a great Tuesday. Make it a friendly, thoughtful, kind, fun, and meaningful day.
