Monday, September 11, 1023 Mostly Sunny Breezy Dry 85 Degrees 4:44 p.m.

Monday, Laundry Done, dinner prepared, ready to go in the oven, house straightened, and Tina on her way home. We might work in the sewing room tonight, but then again we might not. That might be a project for tomorrow for me. It is getting there, but slowly. Soon we will be sanding and then able to paint. It is just getting all the glue off the wall first.

We had a great weekend. The play, Tom Sawyer, so so cute and so fun. the actors and actresses were mostly kids, I would say middle school age. They were good, knew their lines and put their hearts in to being the characters. The next Junior Theater, (when the kids put on the play) is in December and I believe it is Charlotte’s Web. I hope we get to go see that one also. It was Tina, Dottie, Monica and I who attended this play. I do believe it will be the same group who will attend the next play also.

WE got there early so walked around the square looking in shop and shop windows and stopped for a coke at 102. Their menu looked really good but we didn’t have time to eat. Their restaurant closes at 2:00 p.m. on Sundays, and that was the time the play started. We will try that another day. The shop that Dottie and I wanted to go in was closed so will do that another day also. It is an antique shop and has some very interesting things in it. Like a vintage baby carriage. We keep eyeing that but know that we will never buy it. There is a small coffee shop mixed with a boutique that was darling. We want to visit that place again also.

Tina had made an antipasto salad so we took that to Dottie’s to have after the play. We stopped and bought hamburgers from Wendy’s on the way back to Dottie’s. Monica wasn’t with us at that point as she had to go home and feed her family. We will have to make sure that she feeds them before hand for the next play.

Other then that most of Saturday was shopping for Tina’s tailgate party at work in the next couple of weeks, working on the sewing room, church with Charles Stanley, and pampering Sierra. I think this coming Saturday will be dusting and vacuuming the upstairs and finishing the sewing room.

Quote of the day: “Sometimes I’m tempted to adapt a line I see everyday on my car and transpose it onto the full-length mirror in my bedroom. It would say: Images in mirror are smaller than they appear”.

Have a great rest of you Monday. Remember, today is 9/11 remembrance day. God Bless America!

Make this day a adventurous, energetic, prosperous, thoughtful, thankful, and fun day.



Friday, September 8, 2023 Sunny Few High Clouds Breezy 85 Degrees 4:13 p.m.

Friday, the end of the work week. I have a feeling we will be working this weekend as well. The sewing room and the glue needing to be removed. I think we will get it done tomorrow, either by steam or by sanding. One way or the other I am praying that it gets done.

This evening the plumber is coming to repair the pressure valve on the hot water heater that is leaking. That started a while back but was just discovered a week or so ago. Tina called the plumber and he said that he would be out sometime this week. That minor leak isn’t considered an emergency. It isn’t but it does have to be repaired before it becomes one. I was told, and so was Tina, that if not repaired at some point they could explode. What a mess, and expense that would be.

Did I tell you about the stray tabby cat that is roaming around our neighborhood? Well, it is still here. He is a nice, friendly kitty and I believe his people either moved and left him or else passed away or someone dumped him in our neighborhood hoping he would find a home. I wish Sierra was more welcoming as I would adopt him. But she is not a very good hostess with other animals all of a sudden. Tina said the Humane Department should be called to come and get it. Poor thing. He looks like Garfield, only smaller.

I see that we have ants enjoying the hummingbird food. I guess I need to go out and spray. They are such pests and I don’t think they are bothered by the ant spray at all. I think it is about time for the hummingbirds to fly to South America for the winter. i think that is what I was told. There are only two that I am seeing now so maybe the other six or so have left. I think Bill’s hummingbird feeder is full so will let them dine at his feeder and hope the ants go away if I don’t put more sugar water out for the birds.

Quote of the day: “I need some of my problems to help take my mind off some of the others.” My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Friday, and a adventurous, energetic, enjoyable, relaxing, safe and fun weekend. Enjoy the rest of your summer. Only 13 more days until Fall….Autumn starts.



Wednesday, September 6, 2023 Cloudy Windy Warm Muggy 88 Degrees 3:57 p.m.

A fairly quiet day around here. I have done a bit of cleaning, worked on the computer and did some texts. Sierra has enjoyed catching up on her 18 hours of sleep. She got behind with it over the long weekend. I have seen one hummingbird and one wren today. I do believe they are preparing to head south, if they haven’t done so. I do miss seeing them all at our bird dining tables.

I haven’t been back at removing wall paper since Monday so will probably return to that task tomorrow. I do believe the steam works the best at removing the glue so will concentrate on that and hope I can get a large portion done. I have to clear out from under the stairs as our hot water heater’s overflow pipe or what ever it is is leaking so we have a plumber combing out to fix it. If it isn’t one thing it is another around here. I guess if it is not repaired it can blow up. What a mess that would be. I hope that I have the right name for what needs repaired.

Quote of the day: “BUMPER STICKER If you can’t laugh at yourself….I’ll be glad to do it for you”. My calendar


Tuesday, September 5, 2023 Cloudy Warm Still Nice 86 Degrees 5:42 p.m.

A beautiful late summer day. The heat that was predicted was not bad at all. The cloud cover helped a whole lot towards keeping it cooler then predicted. I hope tomorrow is the same. 90 plus with humidity is not nice.

We spend the weekend mostly working on the “sewing room”. We are still not done but maybe by the end of next weekend we will be. That is, done with removing wall paper and glue. Never again! Neither of us will do wall paper or remove it. I know I always say Never say never, but this time I say NEVER!

This is a short one as I see company he4adint this way, and dinner is on the stove and I hope not to burn it.

Quote of the day: “Whatever your years, there is in every being’s heart the love of wonder, the undaunted challenge of events, the unfailing childlike appetite for what comes next, and the joy of the game of life. You are as young as your dreams.” Douglas MacArthur

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a relaxing, cheerful, exciting, and fun day
