Thursday, October 5, 2023 Mostly Cloudy Warm Breezy 81 Degrees 4:04 p.m.
This has been quite the day. It started out normal, but progressed into an interesting day with lots of happenings. The old adage, feast or famish seems to be mine today. It started when I opened my e-mails and read Em’s message about her daughter having to have her third heart surgery. She asked if I would place her daughter on my prayer chain. Of course I did.
Then my niece in Texas messaged me that my sister-in-law fell and broke her hip and will have surgery tomorrow afternoon. So I will [lace her on my prayer chain also. She is up in her 80’s and not in the best of health to start with.
Then I was opening the front door, as I do each morning. The screen door is solid glass so having the door open lets in light and sun when there is sun. I was moving the stair chair (I thought) up as I was opening the door. Instead i was pushing it into the door, so jammed the one seat belt arm into the door handle. I was looking out the door at the squirrel trying to get into the bird feeder and not paying attention to what I was doing. So, after a bit, Julie came over and we discussed the best way to UN-jam this mess. We decided to take the door off the hinges and slid it out from the chair. that worked just fine. Then we discovered that we didn’t have the strength to put the door back on the hinges. Such a great predicament. Her handy man is due to be over here this afternoon and she will send him over to put the door back on it’s hinges so that we can close it tonight. I do hope that he makes it. Otherwise I will have to come up with another solution. No ones fault but my own. It does pay to pay attention to what one is doing.
Quote of the day: ” Whatever you and your house are like–weather your housekeeping system is the casual stow-and slam method or the super-organized home where even the dustballs line up evenly under the bed, the most important thing to fill your home with is joy. What a blessing to step inside a home and immediately feel surrounded by a bubble of laughter and a blanket of love.” My calendar
Have a great rest of your day. Make it a pleasant, cheerful, safe, healthy and fun day.