Friday, October 27, 2023 Partly Sunny Warm Breezy 77 Degrees 5:06 p.m.

Yesterday was a buys day. Company in the morning, then Tina called and said that she had to go to the retina specialist because her right eye was feeling like it was going to explode. She wanted me to go with her in case he had to do the lasar and she would need me to drive home. So there went the afternoon.

Jerry came over and got my new cell phone loaded with all the apps that I need. I now, once again, have Facebook, Wordle, Blink and everything that I need. It sure helps. I didn’t quite make it through Wordle last night but will do better tonight, I hope.

The doctor told Tina that at this time she didn’t need laser or shots in her eye, that it was swollen as two new blood vessels were trying to grow there. Since that eye isn’t working, they aren’t supposed to grow there. He gave her eye drops two help the swelling go down. She is better today.

I have cleaned house. Dillon came over and fixed the screen in the guest room window so we can open the window. I hope he can fix the one n my room also. He will be back on the 6th to finish my house repair short list. Short meaning the odd little things that we need done. The weather stripping under the back glass screen door and an inch off the hall bathroom door as it touches the floor., Just little things.

The weekend looks to be quiet so hope to get some odds and ends done around the house. My closet cleaned out, Christmas stuff gathered as it seems to be everywhere except where it belongs. I guess we have some fall stuff packed with the Christmas stuff and Christmas stuff that didn’t make it with the majority of the decorations stuck here and there. We want to take a ride and take pictures of all the fall colors as the trees are getting so pretty and colorful. That is the plans anyhow.

Quote of the day: “A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs–jolted by every pebble in the road.” Henry Ward Beecher

Have a great rest of your Friday and a super, safe, adventurous, energetic, and fun weekend.
