Tuesday, October 24, 2023 Partly Sunny High Pollen Count 52 Degrees 10:14 a.m.

Good morning one and all. I have decided that I need to do my blog in the morning as by late afternoon there is to much going one and I get distracted. So, we shall see how this works.

Today looks to be a beautiful day with the highs near 70 if not over. I hope to get out and do a bit in the front flower bed this afternoon. It can use a watering and a couple of weeds pulled. We has some rain last weekend but not near enough, so back to watering for a bit. We might get rain on Halloween.

Saturday, the day we were staying home and getting some odds and ends done around here, turned into a day at X-finity. Tina’s cell phone died. So off we went to spend the day at the X-fintity store. There is no such thing as going in and getting what you want and getting out. No, there is always a line and then it takes forever to get your problem solved. We ended up each getting new phones plus we went back on cable as Tina hates streaming and I hated missing The Today show in the morning (first hour and sometimes 2nd hour) and the evening world news. That all took four plus hours. Now we have cable TV in the living room but the box for the TV in the TV or fireplace room doesn’t work so has to be taken back and replaced. This arrangement isn’t pleasing to Sierra as she prefers us sitting back by the fireplace, in our recliners so she has a comfortable lap to nap in. One must please the cat.

The fall colors are starting to appear on the trees. They are so pretty. I think we will be taking a ride this weekend to get some pictures of all the fall beauty. Of course, our temperatures are going up instead of down at the moment so am not sure just how that will effect the trees. The weatherman said we should reach 81 by Sunday. Then it should start going down again. WE have had a couple of frosts which helps the leaves turn the beautiful colors. It is nice not having the air conditioner on , nor the heater on. That helps the electric bill go down. Ours hasn’t been bad once we figured out that the electric, water, sewer and garbage are all in one bill. It averages between $150.00 to $200.00 each month.

Our floors are in limbo. The guys that are putting them in are waiting for the flooring to arrive. We are in hopes that it will be here and they can make our TV room pretty this weekend. We shall see. With so many companies and industries on strike who know when we will be able to get them done.

Quote of the day: “You’re not old unless you get wrinkles in your heart”. My Calendar

Have a great Tuesday. Make it a productive, positive, cheerful, kind and fun day.



Friday, October 6, 2023 Raining Calm Cool 66 Degrees 5:12 p.m.

What a difference 24 hours makes. Today it is much cooler and raining, nicely. We do so need the rain as according to the weatherman, we are behind an inch or so. I love it as I don’t have to go out and water. Bill is cone so have his plants and ours to water. Not bad at all. He has a coulis which is so pretty. I am not sure of the spelling but it is pretty.

Well, my back sort of went out last evening. I was going to go upstairs and go to bed and read. I am close to finishing this book so thought that a great idea. Tina was doing the same, but does that most every evening. Anyhow, I started to get out of the recliner and I got to the edge of the chair and experienced excruciating pain in my left hip, led, groin, knee and nearly to my ankle. I couldn’t move. I yelped in pain. We tried everything we could think of to see f I could get up and walk. I couldn’t even get up, with or without the walker, cane, etc. So the ambulance was called. The paramedics had problems getting me on the gurney . Once at the hospital I was put in a room with several chairs as there were no beds. Soon I was joined by a gentleman who was close to the edge of a high hill when it collapsed and he landed on the bumper of the pickup below. He had 2 broken ribs. ( It took him until 2:15 a.m. to find that out.) Then they had him in for a cat scan. Finally he got to leave about 3:00 a.m.

We had a good conversation. He was here with a group of friends on an exploring trip. He lives in a very small town in Georgia. There, he and his wife have a small ranch with horses, chickens, dogs and cats. His wife is a RN and he is a retired engineer. All his cats are named after country and western music stars, Dolly Parton, Reba MacIntire, Waylon Jennings, Hank Williams, and Vince Gill. The dogs are named after characters in books, and the horses after T.V. cooks. So funny, but cute.

After sitting there for what seemed like hours, they finally took me in for X-rays. That took a good half hour as I hurt so bad I couldn’t lay how she wanted me to lay. Finally an older lady came in and helped her and things went much better. Still painful. Poor Tina was sitting out in the waiting room as they didn’t want “guests” back there when the patient wasn’t in their own room. After 1:00 a.m. they brought her back after asking both my “room mate” if it was alright. We both said yes. He had two buddies out there waiting for him but they never asked to come back with us. Or at least, we were never asked if they could.

At 2:40 A.M. or there about I was able to walk all the way to another room. I couldn’t get on the wheelchair to rid there so I walked with a walker. It was slow going but we finally got there. I sat on the edge of the bed, and took short walks every few minutes. Tina sat in the chair. The nursc cmae in and took my vitals, chit chatted a bit, then left. Finally the doctor came in. He said that my X-rays were fine, no broken bones, no loose screws, no damage to knee or hip, He decided that I had a pinched nerve in my back. I need to see my primary doctor asap, and then get an appointment with my back doctor. I had already set those up. We walked in the door here at 3:30 a.m. It took me about 30 minutes to get upstairs, change clothes, do my teeth and find my way to my cozy, comfy bed. By this time it is 4:19 a.m.

I got up at 8:00 this morning, and slowly got myself downstairs, ready for a cup of coffee. Tina had gone down a little bit ahead of me as one of her co-workers called to see where she was. She had texted her boss when we got home that she wouldn’t be i today and why. It will be early to bed tonight for sure.

Quote of the day: “Extra love from grandparents goes into a child’s psychological bank account, which draws interest and can be used for an emotionally rainy day.” My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Friday. Make it a pleasant, adventurous, goofy, safe and fun day and weekend.



Thursday, October 5, 2023 Mostly Cloudy Warm Breezy 81 Degrees 4:04 p.m.

This has been quite the day. It started out normal, but progressed into an interesting day with lots of happenings. The old adage, feast or famish seems to be mine today. It started when I opened my e-mails and read Em’s message about her daughter having to have her third heart surgery. She asked if I would place her daughter on my prayer chain. Of course I did.

Then my niece in Texas messaged me that my sister-in-law fell and broke her hip and will have surgery tomorrow afternoon. So I will [lace her on my prayer chain also. She is up in her 80’s and not in the best of health to start with.

Then I was opening the front door, as I do each morning. The screen door is solid glass so having the door open lets in light and sun when there is sun. I was moving the stair chair (I thought) up as I was opening the door. Instead i was pushing it into the door, so jammed the one seat belt arm into the door handle. I was looking out the door at the squirrel trying to get into the bird feeder and not paying attention to what I was doing. So, after a bit, Julie came over and we discussed the best way to UN-jam this mess. We decided to take the door off the hinges and slid it out from the chair. that worked just fine. Then we discovered that we didn’t have the strength to put the door back on the hinges. Such a great predicament. Her handy man is due to be over here this afternoon and she will send him over to put the door back on it’s hinges so that we can close it tonight. I do hope that he makes it. Otherwise I will have to come up with another solution. No ones fault but my own. It does pay to pay attention to what one is doing.

Quote of the day: ” Whatever you and your house are like–weather your housekeeping system is the casual stow-and slam method or the super-organized home where even the dustballs line up evenly under the bed, the most important thing to fill your home with is joy. What a blessing to step inside a home and immediately feel surrounded by a bubble of laughter and a blanket of love.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a pleasant, cheerful, safe, healthy and fun day.



Tuesday, October 3, 2023 Sunny Still No Clouds 83 Degrees 3:47 p.m.

So far a busy day playing catch-up with making appointments, answering e-mails, and household stuff I have put on the back burner. Jeff and Nanette will be here this coming Monday so want to have everything done so we can visit and site see, etc. it will be fun seeing them and catching up with all the news from Reno and surrounding areas.

I need to go out and water again as everything is so dry and there is no rain expected until maybe Thursday but more likely the weekend. Even the birds are hiding. No action outdoors at all at the moment. We are expecting a cold front this weekend and that will be nice. I understand the low will be in the 30’s. The high’s in the 60’s. Not bad as it is October. All the decorations are out all over the place, mostly Halloween but some just beautiful fall. We are mostly the fall people but have the ceramic pumpkin or jack-o-latrine out front. I will put the candle in closer to Halloween. We sill have candy for the little ones.

Quote of the day: “There are a lot of things that can make you feel old, and looking into the mirror (if you’re wearing your glasses and the WRONG attitude) is one of them.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a cheerful, productive, amazing and fun day.
