Monday, November 13, 2023 Partly Sunny Calm Cool 67 Degrees 4:40 p.m.
A busy weekend with Dillon here part of Saturday finishing up the sewing room. then Jerry came and brought Dottie and lunch. So good to see them both and lunch was wonderful. Dottie had been sick for a couple of days but fortunately what ever bug she caught left her after a couple of days. It was great seeing her looking healthy and hardy.
Jerry was so kind as he went upstairs and set the two clocks that I can’t figure out how to set. They are weird but good. One is a lamp with a clock and also tells the temperature. I finally figured out that the temperature changes when the light is on as the light gives off heat.
Sunday was quiet. Tina worked on tie blankets and I worked on getting the dust off of stuff. Also just resting and watching a bit of TV. Nothing major.
Quote of the day: “”if God seriously plans to help with my problems……He has a busy day ahead of Him!
Ashleigh Brilliant. My calendar
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a super productive, positive, cheerful and fun day.