Wednesday, December 20, 2023 Mostly cloudy Slight breeze Cold 47 Degrees 3:10 p.m.

I thought that I would be able to do by blog daily now, but yesterday I didn’t make it due to so much going on here. As usual, I am a bit behind and working at catching up. What ever happened to November? Now, it is 5 days until Christmas and I need another two or three days beyond the five., I will make it. I have a couple of projects to complete between now and the 25th.

Projects are a great thing to have to keep one busy and /or entertained. One shouldn’t have too many projects going at the same time as it is very hard to get them all completed. I still have a few from three years ago to complete. Maybe 2023 will be the year. I should start on the ones that are due in December in January. that might work. It won’t be this January as there are already projects in the works for that month. Maybe February.

Sierra is a big help in getting things done. She supervises very well, watching things closely. I do appreciate her close attention, but also am very happy that she continues to watch her health and get her 18 hours of sleep, in the form of long naps, on and off during the day. She has found that the linen closet is the perfect daytime nap place so curls up on a throw in there. Fortunately it is one that has been around a long time, and from Walmart, so I don’t mind. Very easy to wash. And she does deserve comfort, being the ruling cat of the house.

Time to start dinner. We are having kielbasa and Au Gratin potatoes, and a veggie. An easy dinner. And it will be ready when Tina gets home so should have dinner over with and the kitchen cleaned up by the time the news comes on.

Quote of the day: “Reaching out to others doesn’t mean we adopt all their problems as our own….Sometimes we can help others through the smallest or silliest –acts of kindness.” My calendar.

Have a great Wednesday. Keep it a friendly, cheerful, productive, pleasant and fun day.
