Monday, December 26, 2023 Cloudy, Rainy, Cool, 55 Degrees, 5:32 p.m.

The day after Christmas and all through the house, The ribbons are hanging, wrappings are strewed, the bows are attached to the lamp shades while the lamps are aglow. Santa was here, leaving goodies galore, new toys for grandma and aunt Tina, too. A new litter box for Sierra, and a mouse or two. Grandma got a bird house that tells her when they are eating, while Aunt Tina received books to read so can keep on reading. Aunt Tina likes hot dogs so a cooker she got. Grandma got a Blink camera so can keep up with the cat…….and the birds…….and Aunt Tina. That’s at lot! Grandma will continue writing stories about days gone by, Tina will wonder about a story and think”about Jimmy, Joey, Jerry, Jeffy, and me? Why oh why? “Yes, Santa was here and was very good to us. Now we can’t fuss!

The weather is rainy and warmer then winter. No snow, but plenty of rain , and later the fog. It is winter and with that season comes wet weather. No complaints as the rain is needed, so very welcome. It is to be gone by here tomorrow and it will be cooler and dry until the weekend.

Quote of the day: ” I’m a child of the king…..still living in palace preparation mode.” My Calendar

Have a great Tuesday. Make it a pleasant, enjoyable, relaxing and fun day.
