Thursday, December 28, 2023 Partly Cloudy Slight breeze Chilly 46 Degrees 4:46 p.m.

It has been a busy day around here. I have been working on getting the TV room ready to be painted next week. That means taking everything out of there (but the furniture) and finding a temporary home for it. I almost have it all done. I have books we have read that maybe should go to either Tammy, Dottie or Sharon. Whomever would like them and hasn’t read them. I sent a notice out to each of them so we shall see who wants them. I am sure that they all came from one of these ladies but can’t remember which one came from who. They are good books.

Weather is starting ti enter a cold spell and maybe snow flurries or rain. Just in time for New Years! I know there are a lot of activities planned all over Tennessee. Knoxville will have their own dropping of the ball at midnight New Years. The Smokies, at different areas are having activities as is Pegon Ford. I am sure that is spelled wrong. Anyhow, we plan on staying home. We can watch all the celebrating on TV. We may even get snow. That would be fun,,,,,,as long as we are home.

Quote of the day: “There is nothing in your life that God and you cannot handle together…..if you get out of the way and let Him be in control. He can turn your troubles into blessings, and then He can use those blessings to add depth to your spirit so that your praise for Him is even more fervent and joyous and your life is an inspiration to others.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a pleasant, productive, cheerful and fun day.
