Thursday, December 21, 2023 Cloudy Still Dusk 47 Degrees 5:48 p.m.

The last day of Fall and the first evening/night of winter. It is chilly out, and will be back in the 20’s or maybe just into the 30’s. We are in a warming trend and should be a high 0f 59 by Saturday. Nights still cold. It’s winter so it should be cold.

Today I completed two projects so am now very close to being ready for Christmas. I stuck a roast and veggies in the crockpot this morning so dinner is ready. I love one dish meals when I have so many things to do. Tomorrow is house cleaning. It needs it as I haven’t touched it all week, and Tina gets home and has projects to finish also. It shouldn’t take to long.

Other then doing my project, I haven’ done anything, even read. When my head hits the pillow, I am asleep. Now, I think the quote of the day is in order.

Quote of the day: “Remember, every cloud has a silver lining…..and sometimes a bolt of lightening.” My Calendar.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a positive, productive, pleasant and fun day.



Wednesday, December 20, 2023 Mostly cloudy Slight breeze Cold 47 Degrees 3:10 p.m.

I thought that I would be able to do by blog daily now, but yesterday I didn’t make it due to so much going on here. As usual, I am a bit behind and working at catching up. What ever happened to November? Now, it is 5 days until Christmas and I need another two or three days beyond the five., I will make it. I have a couple of projects to complete between now and the 25th.

Projects are a great thing to have to keep one busy and /or entertained. One shouldn’t have too many projects going at the same time as it is very hard to get them all completed. I still have a few from three years ago to complete. Maybe 2023 will be the year. I should start on the ones that are due in December in January. that might work. It won’t be this January as there are already projects in the works for that month. Maybe February.

Sierra is a big help in getting things done. She supervises very well, watching things closely. I do appreciate her close attention, but also am very happy that she continues to watch her health and get her 18 hours of sleep, in the form of long naps, on and off during the day. She has found that the linen closet is the perfect daytime nap place so curls up on a throw in there. Fortunately it is one that has been around a long time, and from Walmart, so I don’t mind. Very easy to wash. And she does deserve comfort, being the ruling cat of the house.

Time to start dinner. We are having kielbasa and Au Gratin potatoes, and a veggie. An easy dinner. And it will be ready when Tina gets home so should have dinner over with and the kitchen cleaned up by the time the news comes on.

Quote of the day: “Reaching out to others doesn’t mean we adopt all their problems as our own….Sometimes we can help others through the smallest or silliest –acts of kindness.” My calendar.

Have a great Wednesday. Keep it a friendly, cheerful, productive, pleasant and fun day.



Monday, December 18, 2023 Mostly cloudy Windy Cold 46 Degrees 3:33 p.m.

December! Just a week from Christmas Day! The busiest time of the year! Putting up the Christmas Tree. Decorating the house, and the tree. Stringing the outdoor lights. Writing the Christmas cards, wrapping the gifts. Standing in line at the post office. Standing in line at the stores. The shopping, the cooking, Christmas parties, the Christmas programs at school and at church. Don’t for get the ones on TV. The weather, snow, rain, icy roads, tornadoes, flooding, traffic, and delays. A busy time of the year.

Here, it is about the same. There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get done all the things I want do accomplish besides doing all the necessary things that have to be done. I know I had more time to do things when I was working then I do now. Needless to say, it has been a busy month.

The 7th, Jerry and I went to Enterprise Kansas to see my son, Joseph. It was nice seeing him and visiting for a bit. We were able to have lunch with him and that was special. The nursing home is very nice, neat and clean. All there were nice and friendly. Enterprise appear to be an old town as the buildings were mostly older,probably built in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. The nursing home is older also, but well kept up. The trip was a fast one. We left here on Thursday afternoon an was back here on Saturday afternoon. I think the trip was 1, 728 miles. I would like to go that route again and stop and site see as we passes some interesting places. We rushed home as we wanted to beat the storm. We did but not by much.

I have done the Christmas cards, and Tina did most of the decorating. The house looks nice and very festive. This year, when we put it all away we are going to do it in totes (tubs) that have red lids so we will know it is Christmas. This time we had to open everything to see what was in it. Next year we will have more room as the back rooms will be done. I am eager for that. All back there should be completed by February 1st.

Saturday evening Jerry treated Tammy, Dottie, Tina and I to the concert, Pentrtonix. It was so good. I have seen them on TV and heard them on the radio, and Cd’s so was a wonderful treat to see them in person. They are so talented. They interacted with the audience which was wonderful. Such fun.

Jerry and Tammy are fostering another Pyrenees puppy, (8 months) named Sarge. He is beautiful! he gets along well with the other four, playful, calm, friendly and a big teddy bear. He requires a fenced in yard where he has room to run and play. He needs a home where he will get some attention, some training and be loved and a member of the family. Who ever gives him a home will have a wonderful and loyal pet, and guard dog. We don’t have a fenced in yard. If interested, please let me know.

Quote of the day: “PRICELESS GIFTS TO GIVE FOR FREE! The gift of prayer: Let your friends and loved ones know you pray for them….then do it!” You all are in my prayers. My Calendar

Have a wonderful rest of your Monday. Make it a adventurous, kind, profitable, pleasant and fun day.
