Tuesday, January 30, 2024 Cloudy Chilly Still Rain expected 49 Degrees 5:14 [.m.

We did have sun for a bit this morning. The clouds slowly moved in and the sun moved out. Now we will have rain for the evening and maybe into the morning. Yes, it is still winter. I dislike the damp cold as it seems to settle int the bones and it takes for ever to get warm.

It has been a quiet day around here. I have gotten a few things done, and have a million more to do once I can get moved back into the craft room. I am going through boxes of stuff. I can’t believe all the stuff i have kept through the years. Even old adds. But some of the stuff has been interesting to read and think back on. I love finding the kids school work and pictures that they drew when they were little. So many letters and greeting cards, all fun and interesting. I have kept the shredder busy and filled the wastepaper basket a couple of times. Probably will several more times. I really don’t need the TV guide from 1989.

Quote of the day: ” Action is indeed the medium of expression for ethics.” Jane Addams, 1860 – 1935, American Social Reformer. Nobel Prize Winner. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people. Galatians 6:10 NIV

Have a great rest of your Taco Day. Make it a happy, educational, interesting and fun day.
