Wednesday, February 7, 2024 Sunny Few high clouds Breezy 62 Degrees 4:15 p.m.
It has been a week since I have been able to do my blog. I am happy to say that the “remodeling” is mostly complete. Slowly but surly things are returning to normal. My desk is beginning to look more like a desk than a mountain with legs, so hopefully I can get caught up with correspondence an the normal daily office duties. My e-mails are in the hundreds, and other computer programs that I should be checking are in need of my attention.
But the house is looking like humans live here, and not hoarders. We had everything piled in the living room and dining room; on top of and under, in every nook and corner, so it was hard to sit anyplace and be comfortable, Sierra couldn’t find her window kitty bed, and had to work hard to get on her tree. She would have to make three leaps to get to the top bed, after seeing if the tree had moved since she was last in it. Tina and I sat on desk chairs to watch TV in the evenings and ate off the card table that I had set up after Christmas. So inconvenient. But it worked.
As of this evening I can admire the nice, neat, clean and comfortable TV room, also known as the fireplace room. The craft room is slowly getting all the items returned to the shelves and the drawers in there. The living room is now uncluttered and welcoming to any guests as well as us. Sierra has no problem finding her kitty bed and her tree is right back where it belongs. The dining room still needs attention but that will be done slowly as Dillon has to return Sunday to finish repairing a spot on a wall where he had put up a peg board, then discovered that it had to come down because the shelves needed to go there. He only needs to sand it and paint it.
Tina had her procedure on Friday and she is fine. I had my ca scan and that is for my shoulder and is fine. All are good here. Live is good and I am tired, but happy.
Quote of the day: “Believe in yourself, learn, and never stop wanting to build a better world.” Mary McLeod Bethune 1875 – 1955, American Educator, Writer. Encourage each other to build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5: 11
Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a pleasant, safe, energetic, productive ad fun day.