Good Friday, March 29, 2024 Sunny Breezy Warm Pretty 70 Degrees 3:26 p.m.

Living in the south is different from living in the west. Living in the Bible Belt is different from living in the west. Here, all government office are closed. There is no school today. There is no mail delivery today. Many other businesses are closed, and many close early. All employers are required to give their employees two hours off to go to church or to just worship. Good Friday is a holy holiday in the bible belt. I do agree with this policy,

Tina got off work at 2:00 p.m. She and Monica are our shopping, I believe. They were going to the Christian Book Store, and I do believe they will be there a while. That is an interesting store with all sorts of nice things, including handbags and wallets made in, I believe Turkey. They are beautiful and they are expensive. Not as bad as Coach, Dunne & Berk, but close. Defiantly out of my budget. However I have bought some pretty things in there for gifts and for myself.

Yesterday with Dottie and Max was fun. We visited, toured her yard, watched a bit of TV, and visited. She made potato salad and brownies to go with the hot dogs, and opened a can of pork and beans. Tammy and Jerry brought the hot dogs and chili, and Tina brought chips. it was a fun get together and the food was great. The only bad part was that Dottie stood up and turned her ankle so her ankle was swollen pretty badly by the time she let us know about it. And, she didn’t mean to let us know. Tina and I saw it, went for the ice bag and got her to prop her foot up. Today she said it was a little bit better but she was keeping an ice bag close and her foot propped up as much as possible. Max is very happy as she is sitting on the couch and he can curl up right close to her and nap all day.

The weekend looks fairly quiet so far. Winner at Dottie’s on Sunday, Church on Saturday evening, household duties tomorrow, like cleaning the car port. It has acquired several leaves since the wind has been blowing. A trip to the grocery store and the meat market. I think that is it.

Quote of the day: “Love is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. To each and every one of us, it gives the power of working miracles if we will.” Lydia Marie Child, 1802 – 1880, American Abolitionist, writer.

Have a wonderful rest of your Good Friday. Make it a truly Good day, filled with kindness, joy, love and fun. Have a very sunny, cheerful and Blessed Easter.



Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Sunny Pretty Breezy 69 Degrees 5:11 p.m.

A quiet but busy day. I cleaned off my desk, did some filing, put things away and played with Sierra.There was a thing on the screen, under BING that was wanted to read but Sierra decided that she didn’t like it so walked on the keyboard and the article or add or what ever it was left. I couldn’t find it again. I guess it wasn’t that important.

This evening is Crafts at church so am getting ready to go to that. Last week I took a coloring book and colored pencils. That was a bit much so I found a color by number thing at Hobby Lobby and am taking it today. The area we have isn’t very big and there is one table and, so far, four ladies. That isn’t a lot of room for anything to big. Defiantly not scrap booking. Tina is doing a latch hook thing so she doesn’t require a lot of room. She just takes the color she is working with.

Tomorrow I am going in to Knoxville with Tina and spending the day with Dottie. After Tina, Tammy and Jerry get off work we are going to their house for hotdogs, so probably no blog tomorrow. I doubt we will get back before 8:00 p.m. and by then I am ready to head upstairs, get ready for bed, and read for a bit. I am reading a mystery. And I have just started it. So far, so good.

Quote of the day: ” Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” Hannah More, 1745 – 1833. British writer, social reformer. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and….thank Him for His answers. Philippians 4:6-7

Have a great rest of your hump day. Make it a pleasant, cheerful, kind, silly and fun day.



Tuesday, March 16, 2024 Raining, Cloudy, Cool Still, 58 Degrees 4:27 p.m.

don’t know when it started raining, but it was raining when I got up this morning, and it is still raining. Just a nice, gentle rain. I am noticing that the trees are starting to get leaves on all the branches. I believe they are getting dressed for spring to be in their finest by the time summer arrives. So many trees are in bloom now; the pear tree, the redbud tree, the dogwood tree and a few more. Spring brings out the very best of trees, flowers and shrubs, slowly but surly. And, the air is so fresh smelling. (not when the wind is blowing and the pollen is flying).

Today I have worked on the office duties, talked on the phone, had company and enjoyed it all. I didn’t dare start to much on the computer as the power went off several times this morning. I also didn’t go up stairs as I was afraid that the power would go out while I was in the chair and halfway up or down the stairs. Once you are in the chair it is difficult to get out of it if you aren’t on the top or bottom floor. I didn’t want to chance it. I can do enough goofy things without falling out of the chair that we have for safety.

To wake up to the news of the bridge collapsing in Baltimore was such a shock. I am thankful that it wasn’t the middle of the day and loaded with rush hour traffic. It is dad enough that the men working on the bridge, filling in potholes lost their lives. My heart goes out to their families and friends. I am thankful that the barge captain sent a “may day, may day” call to authorities so that they could close the bridge and keep traffic from entering prior to the crash. Such a sad way to start the day in Baltimore. My prayers go out to all there.

Here, our news is the rain with high winds in the higher elevations. We haven’t had even a breeze and that is nice. The rain will end tonight and tomorrow is to be sunny and bright, And a bit warmer. Sierra has missed laying in the sun, and the birds haven’t been out and about so much today. Just the doves.

Quote of the day: “The Lord’s chief desire is to reveal Himself to you and, in order for Hm to do that, He gave you abundant grace. The Lord gives you the experience of enjoying His presence. He touches you, and His touch is so delightful that more then ever, you are drawn inwardly to Him.” Madam Jeanne Guyon, 1648 – 1717, French Christian.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a true “Taco Tuesday” by eating tacos. We are having hamburgers. Have a terrific, adventurous, exciting and fun day.


MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024 Mostly Cloudy Breezy Cool 64 Degrees 4:22 p.m.

Monday, a nice day after a very nice weekend. WE had some rain on Saturday morning, early, but then it was cloudy and dry the rest of the day. Jerry and Tammy came over, spread the rest of the rocks Tina bought for the front flowerbed. We need about 10 more bags to finish the flowerbed. We were sure that the first bunch we got would do it, but then discovered it wasn’t enough so we got ten more bags, and, once again discovered it wasn’t enough. So, I believe this weekend we will get at least ten more bags! What we have done looks very nice and neat. I can’t hardly wait until it is all done and see how nice it looks.

Yesterday, after church, we took the spaghetti, salad, garlic toast and pie over to Dottie’s and shared with her and Jerry. Tina had made the big crockpot full so had more then we could eat in a month. We froze some, and Tina set aside some for her lunch one day this week. Tammy had to work a baseball game so her meal was sent home with Jerry. Dottie made some peach cobbler and that was so good. Tina forgot to bring some of it home with her. Dottie’s cobblers are yummy! She has the southern cooking down to a T. Maybe that is because she was born and raised here in East Tennessee. Southern comfort cooking! I do like comfort!

This week, on Thursday, my youngest great grandson turns 4. There are no more babies so no more looking at the cute little outfits for babies and toddlers. That is sad. So will have to look for boy things, like trucks and cars and heavy equipment toys. He is a boy! We will have to find him something cool and fun as well as age appropriate. Since they live in an apartment it has to also be size appropriate.

Quote of the day: It is God to whom and with whom we travel, and while He is the End of our journey, He is also at every stopping place.” Elisabeth Elliot, 1926- American writer. M. martyred Missionary Jim Elliot.

Have a Fantastic rest of your Monday. Make it a interesting, challenging, and fun day.
