Monday. March 11, 2024 Sunny, Breezy Clear Nice, 59 Degrees 4:53 p.m.
A beautiful Monday to start the week off. The weekend was cold, rainy and just down right blustery. Winter is still here, for another eight days! My daughter, who said we were staying home all day Saturday, had to go to Hobby Lobby, so off we went to Hobby Lobby. There she bought a book, “The Watchman’s Daughter”. I bought a few thing to help with my picture/family tree project. We then went to Calhoun’s for lunch. We had Fish and Chips and it was good. Then to Pet Smart looking for Sierra’s favorite cat food. There is none to be had. She now is liking Science Diet. After that Home! It was raining, and I mean raining. I don’t know what happened to the “few stray showers” the weatherman was talking about. It rained most of the day and night and a bit on Sunday.
Sunday was church, then home to finish a couple of projects and just relax and watch TV. Jerry called and said that they might be having something Sunday afternoon. We said great, that would be fun and nice. Later on Dottie called and said that Jerry and Tammy had food on and were celebrating Melissa’s birthday as she was there. So off we went. It was a great afternoon. Melissa was tired but fine. The people were all fine, but the dogs were fantastic! Finley was busy bringing her toys toe each of us to throw and play tug-of-war with. Lacy was happy to sit next to you, or on your lap for gentle petting’s, Murphy sat on my lap until he had to go make sure the others were O.K. as they went out doors. He is the security dog, all 6 pounds of him. Dallas was so fun, soft and furry and loving to be petted and talked to. Sarge is so handsome, Tall, Dark and Handsome. Not so much on the dark. he has a “hurt leg” so decided that Tina needed to hold his paw as he needed comforting. He was so funny. Both he and Dallas loved laying on our feet and once they both laid there together. It was a bit heavy and very funny. Those two play, wrestle and go a mile a minute so one has to make sure one is out of their way when they get going. they don’t care what is in their way as they just mow over it be it person or thing. So much fun.
The food was so good. We had BBQ ribs, pulled pork, slaw, pot salad, baked beans and key lime pie. Very yummy. I love key lime pie, and of course, ribs. When food is served the furry family members are locked in the Man Cave. They let all know about how mistreated they were being, then left and went outdoors. They would of really enjoyed dining with us.
Quote time: “No matter what the circumstances are, it is best to pursue behavior that is above reproach, because then you will be respected for your actions.” Rosa Parks 1913 – 2005 American Civil Rights Activist. Be content with who your are, and don’t just put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you. He’ll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; He is most careful with you. 1 Peter 5: 6-7.
Have a great rest of you Monday. Make it a fantastically cheerful, productive , adventurous, and fun day.