Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Sunny Warm Breezy Nice 73 Degrees 4:32 p.m.

Another nice day, and so much appreciated. Sierra has spent most of the day in the sun and looking out either the front door or the back door. We have the glass “screen” doors. She enjoys the front one the most as she gets to see the lizards who come up close. This week it has been the doves who have ventured closer to the door. Also the squirrel seems to thing the sidewalk in front of the door is for his to hop on as he passes, stops and looks, then hops on. I guess it is a run at some points.

Tonight is crafts at church. People interested in doing crafts can bring whatever they are working on and work on it there while visiting with others, exchanging ideas, learning new things, and sharing their crafts and knowledge. I am working on a small scrapbook of post cards and other greeting cards that were received by my mother and her sisters. They date back to 1909. Back when you could mail a penny postcard for a penny. They are very interesting and very pretty. None of them say “made by Hallmark”. I have several old pictures that I will put with the cards so that it will have a bit more meaning to those who look and read in the future. It will be part of the Kringlen Family Tree which I am working on, slowly. I have four family trees that I am working on, The Gardner’s, The Kringle’s, The Walters and the Weavers. It is very slow going, but very interesting.

Last evening we went to the grocery store for items to complete the St. Patties Day dinner. I am so thankful that we went yesterday because there wasn’t much there to choose from. Neither Tina or I saw any corned beef. I bought ours a month ago and put it in the freezer. The carrots were there but only about 8. I took six of them. The selection of potatoes of any kind other then yams and sweet potatoes, was slim. We got a bag of red skinned “new” potatoes. I hope enough for my meal. I did get two loafs of soda bread. It looks good so we shall see. We will have Key Lime pie for desert. I though of making a true Irish desert, but the ingredients in most of them was a bit on the tipsy side. owning a liqueur store would of helped with the “spirits”. I don’t know who sells grough.

Quote of the day: “Our feelings do not affect God’s facts; They may blow up, like clouds, and cover the eternal things that we do most truly believe. We may not see the shining of the promises-but they still shine! [His strength] is not for one moment less because of our human weakness.” Amy Carmichael,, 1867 – 1951Irish Missionary to India, Poet.

Have a perfect Wednesday. Make it a exciting, productive, enjoyable and fun day.
