MARCH 18, 2024

March 18, 2024 Mostly Sunny Windy cold Dry 18 Degrees 4:20 p.m.

A chilly, Windy, last day of winter. Today is 20 degrees colder they yesterday, so hop[e tomorrow is 20 degrees warmer then today. The wind is what makes it so cold.

We can see spring is working its way i as the trees are budding and /or blooming. We have Pear trees, not the ones that produce fruit, but ones that have white blossoms and smell not so good. And the Red bud trees are starting to bloom. They are pretty and add variance to all the different greens, browns, yellows and whites. The Jonquils are blooming all over the place. The wind and the bird help to spread their seeds so they come up all along the roads and highways, in some yards and places that get the sun all day long. I guess they are also planted by some people as so many are in perfect rows. I thought that they were bulbs, but I could be wrong. They are very pretty, brightening up where ever they are.

Last Thursday I was busy cleaning the kitchen. I did use the stainless steel cleaner on all the appliances, the graniet cleaner and polish on all the counters. Then had to wash it off as best as possible as it said not to use on surfaces where food is prepared. Then I read farther along and said it could be used if the counters graniet was sealed. The counters shine even though I didn’t reapply. The counters were sealed a moth or so ago. They are to be sealed every four to six months I believe. I also cleaned and polished the stove top. WE have the stove with the burners in the glass top. It is the stove that is used mostly back here. I do miss the gas stove for cooking. Anyhow, it got to be an all day project as I did the floors also.

Friday Arthritis visited me. I hurt all over, from head to toe. That and sinuses did me in. By the time I went to bed Friday night I could hardly move. Saturday I was much better. Being better was a must as we went to Home Depot and Willows Nursery Saturday morning.

At Willows I inquired on how to care for the Amarillo plant and was told that I could plant it and keep it indoors as a house plant. If I wanted it to be an outdoor plant I should put it i a dry dark, cool place until next November, then take it outside and plant it. It is an indoor plant at our house, so is now planted and seems happy.

At home depot we bought rock to go in the flower bed as we believe that will be easier to keep then trying to put all kinds of plants in there. So Tammy and Dottie came over and worked like beavers to get the bed ready for the rock. We got rock in one portion but need to get probably ten to twelve more bags of the rock. I think it will look so pretty and will be easier to keep. We will still have the three azaleas and the one holly bush and I believe they will do well. The holly looks great.

Quote of the day: ” The secret of joy to work is contained in one word—excellence; To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.” Pearl S. Buck, 1892 – 1973. American Writer: Nobel Prize Winner.

In Everything you do, put God first and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Proverbs 3:6

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a successful, delightful, cheerful, positive and fun day.
