MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024 Mostly Cloudy Breezy Cool 64 Degrees 4:22 p.m.

Monday, a nice day after a very nice weekend. WE had some rain on Saturday morning, early, but then it was cloudy and dry the rest of the day. Jerry and Tammy came over, spread the rest of the rocks Tina bought for the front flowerbed. We need about 10 more bags to finish the flowerbed. We were sure that the first bunch we got would do it, but then discovered it wasn’t enough so we got ten more bags, and, once again discovered it wasn’t enough. So, I believe this weekend we will get at least ten more bags! What we have done looks very nice and neat. I can’t hardly wait until it is all done and see how nice it looks.

Yesterday, after church, we took the spaghetti, salad, garlic toast and pie over to Dottie’s and shared with her and Jerry. Tina had made the big crockpot full so had more then we could eat in a month. We froze some, and Tina set aside some for her lunch one day this week. Tammy had to work a baseball game so her meal was sent home with Jerry. Dottie made some peach cobbler and that was so good. Tina forgot to bring some of it home with her. Dottie’s cobblers are yummy! She has the southern cooking down to a T. Maybe that is because she was born and raised here in East Tennessee. Southern comfort cooking! I do like comfort!

This week, on Thursday, my youngest great grandson turns 4. There are no more babies so no more looking at the cute little outfits for babies and toddlers. That is sad. So will have to look for boy things, like trucks and cars and heavy equipment toys. He is a boy! We will have to find him something cool and fun as well as age appropriate. Since they live in an apartment it has to also be size appropriate.

Quote of the day: It is God to whom and with whom we travel, and while He is the End of our journey, He is also at every stopping place.” Elisabeth Elliot, 1926- American writer. M. martyred Missionary Jim Elliot.

Have a Fantastic rest of your Monday. Make it a interesting, challenging, and fun day.
