Thursday, April 11, 2024 Windy Pouring rain Thunder & Lightening 69 degrees 2:07 p.m. ‘

This has been a very spring weather week. Rain and wind each day with sunshine on and off. April showers bring May flowers, and the flowers are already blooming. Leaves are appearing on trees and the Dogwood is covered with blossoms. So pretty.

Yesterday the computer didn’t want to work so I didn’t get much done on it. Today it seems to be fine. I am doing the blog early as with the storms racing around the area the power just might go out and I want everything done just in case. This is my first blog since Monday, I believe. Or maybe last week. Be-tween weather and son Jeff being in the hospital, I haven’t kept up with the blog or a lot of other things. I have been on the phone a lot.

I believe that Jeff has improved in the past week and will be able to go home today or tomorrow. He has been doing some walking and climbing a very short set of stairs (4 steps). Nanette said that he will have to have pt but might be able to do so at home. That will be good for him. He still has some swelling, but the doctor said it will take a couple of weeks for it to go away. It was caused by one of his meds. He is feeling much better and eager to get home to his dog, Molly, and human food. He hates hospital food. who doesn’t? I know his dog, Molly, will be over the moon to see him. I don’t know how long he will be off work but Nanette said a couple of days ago that it would be 6 weeks. Time will tell.

Other then that there isn’t much news outside of the weather. Right now we have sunshine. Everything is dripping from the rain, and the birdbath is full again. I keep going out and emptying it as we don’t want to invite mosquitoes. I know that they don’t wait for an invitation, but I don’t want to encourage them either.

The squirrel has been very busy picking things up from our flowerbed. I think the birds knock things our of the bird feeders and the squirrel finds it and carries it off. He has passed by the door with things in his mouth, seeds and berries I believe. We have Blue Jays and Cardinals, red headed woodpeckers, and a lot of other pretty birds. I will have to get the hummingbird feeder out as they will be coming around very soon.

Quote of the day: “”I am convinced beyond a shadow of any doubt that the most valuable pursuit we can embark upon is to know God.” Kay Arthur, 1933 – American Writer

Have a good rest of your Thursday. Make it a dry, pleasant, productive, safe and fun day.
