Thursday, April 25, 2024 Sunny Warm Few high white clouds 76 Degrees 5:01 p.m.

A beautiful Spring day. Birds singing, Squirrel hopping around, Bumble Bee buzzing flitting here and there, and even the lizard ambled across the porch. I haven’t seen the chipmunk as yet. Hopefully soon. Also am expecting the humming birds to make an appearance.

Today I have been busy doing odds and ends. I went out to check why the new lights Tina put out don’t come on at night. I can’t see why unless the batteries that came with them are no good. I will check again tonight and see if any come on.

While I was out there I pulled a few weeds. It got to hot so will try that again earlier in the morning. It is nice out there in the morning, so will put on gardening gloves and pull a few more weeds, grass, etc that is popping up in our flowerbed. The Azaleas are doing well, one is white flowers and the other is pink. The Holly bush is growing fast and is so pretty. WE both love having the rocks in the flowerbed as it brightens everything up. Tina will soon be planting her wild flowers around the Dogwood tree. I hope they do well and come up. That should be pretty.

I have pork chops and rice in the oven for dinner. It is a simple dish but good. Pork Chops, Rice, cream of mushroom soup, a bit of onion soup mix , cover with aluminum foil and bake for about 45 minutes, uncover and bake another ten to fifteen minutes, until all liquid has evaporated. It is so good. And, Tina likes it!

Quote of the day: “Far rather would I sit and sew besides my poor, for this thing is not of my condition. But I must go and I must do this thing, because my Lord will have it so. Rather now than tomorrow; and tomorrow than the day after!” Joan of Arc, 1412 1431. French Patriot and Martyr.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a relaxing, enjoyable, sociable and fun day.
