TUESDAY, APRIL 30,, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024, Mostly Cloudy, Cool, Still, 71 Degrees 6:41 p.m.

We started the day with rain, thunder and wind. Then just wind and clouds, then a shower, then wind, then just clouds. Finally the sun came out, but played hide and seek with the clouds the rest of the day, including now. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and bright. We shall see.

Not a whole lot going on here today. Bill took his SUV in for the repairs from the accident last week. he got a Hyundai Tucson. It is lovely. It is a 2024 with 8000 miles on it. I really like it and so does he. But, it is a loaner until he gets his back. Since we are thinking of getting a new car in the near future, that is one we should look into. We both like Hyundai’s, and ours has done us very well. It is 14 years old now. We think it is time to think about a younger vehicle.

Dottie went to the doctor yesterday and now has a fashionable gray boot to wear on that foot with the cracked ankle. She was dreading having to get a boot but she said that it is comfortable and her injured ankle feels just fine in it. I am so glad. Now, I hope it hurries up and heals. I know that she does also.

Quote of the day: “Youth is, after all, just a moment, but it is the moment the spark that you always carry in your heart.” Raisa Gorbachev, 1932 – 1999, Russian USSR First Lady .

Have a super rest of your Tuesday. I hope it is a Taco Tuesday. Make it a good, cheerful, social, kind and fun day.
