Tuesday, May 7, 2024 Partly Cloudy Windy Muggy Rain Tonight 80 Degrees 5:06 p.m.
I am sorry I missed yesterday’s blog. I was busy with phone calls, and getting a box ready to mail. That turned out to be quite a project. First I had to hunt a box. Now Sierra had to give up her new favorite place to take a nap, but it fit my needs perfectly. I finally got ti all together and everything wrapped and had it ready to mail by 2:30 when Tina got home. I had a podiatrist appointment yesterday afternoon, so Tina came home and took me. After that we went to the post office and mailed my package. i now know why I buy from Amazon and let them do the mailing. After that we dropped a bag of donations at Karns, then to Hobby Lobby and finally home.
Dinner was street tacos that Tina prepared. They sure were good. I prepared the taco meat earlier and had it ready for her to fix the tacos. That took her all of about ten minutes as she had to cut up the tomatoes and onion and tear the lettuce. O.K, maybe 15 minutes. They were very well worth her efforts in preparing them.
Today ha been vacuuming, laundry, and the usual pick up and put away. I still have one room left to vacuum and the mopping to do. I was on the phone with Joe-ee and with Jimmy and that took time. Joe-ee wasn’t so long winded but Jimmy talked for an hour. I have to call him back, so will after a bit.
The weatherman said to expect wild weather tonight….rain, wind, hail and possible tornadoes. Be prepared. There will be possible damage from downed trees, power outages, downed power lines, etc. Tina is only concerned about Bill’s Cedar tree! There is that plus all the other big, tall, old trees across the street and all around us. So, she will go to bed and I will probably stay down stairs, in the TV room and be as alert as possible. I will watch the TV for any warning if there is a tornado close. We haven’t had one here in years but this is the year where the weather has not stuck to its’ normal pattern anywhere. So I will pay attention.
With that, I had better think about dinner. Sierra is.
Quote of the day: “Let every woman become so cultivated and refined in intellect, that her taste and judgement will be respected….so unassuming and unambitious, that collision and competition will be banished…then, the fathers, the husbands, and the sons, will find an influence thrown around them, to which they will yield not only willingly but proudly.” Catherine Beecher, 1800-1878, American Educator.
Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a adventurous, productive, kind and fun day.