Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Cloudy, Possible Rain Showers Cool 63 Degrees 11:05 a.m.

While lying in bed, reading a good Guide Post mystery book last night, the Thunder rolled! The lightening lit up the room! I quickly placed the book mark in the book, placed the book and glasses on the night stand, lowered the bed, turned off the light and snuggled down to enjoy the storm. I learned last week that when thunder roars, to lower the bed. The power went off and I was stuck in an almost sitting position, and the remote doesn’t work without power.

This morning there isn’t to much activity outside in our front yard. There are two squirrels who are playing and hunting for the bird seed the birds knock out of the bird feeders. The chipmunk is scurrying around hunting his breakfast in nearly the same area as the squirrels. He is so busy and tiny, and is as much fun to watch as the squirrels. The birds are very busy singing, chirping and getting their food for the morning..They have a lot to sing and talk about this morning. Shadow has taken his master for a walk already.

The laundry got completed yesterday so today is just the normal household duties. This evening is Crafts at church. I am prepared as I will do the same thing this evening that I did last week and the week before. WE only meet for an hour so there isn’t much time to sit anything up and work on it, before you have to pack it away again. I think we mostly visit as no one gets a great deal done on their projects. It is fun to visit and enjoy each others company for an hour. I heard that we have a new lady joining our group this evening so that will be nice. We currently have three regular and it would be nice to have a few more.

I am thinking Spanish Rice for dinner, with a veggie and salad. That sounds simple and nourishing. There will be leftovers for Tina to take to work tomorrow. Tomorrow night I may fix drumsticks in the air fryer. Friday I am thinking salmon patties. I don’t plan for the weekend as I never know what we are doing.

Quote of the day: “You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make an honest effort to confer that pleasure on others? Half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy.” Lydia Marie Child, 1802 -1880. American Abolitionist, writer.

Have a great Wednesday. Make it a cheerful, kind, positive and fun day.
